Calgary had about 20 to 30 cm of snow that started to fall last night and has just stopped, with more to come possibly! Very unseasonal with temps around zero, which is more than ten below average. October is usually sunny, crisp at times, but generally pleasant. Not so this year! Snow moving equipment is coming from Edmonton and other places to help out in clearing our roads.
October is usually sunny, crisp at times, but generally pleasant. Not so this year! Snow moving equipment is coming from Edmonton and other places to help out in clearing our roads.
Today is John’s birthday and as a growing family we would often go out to a park for a picnic at supper time to celebrate. Today John was to come by with Annie to pick me up for his birthday dinner. That would have meant him driving back into the city, which is too much to ask right now! My fancy ‘You deserve a castle’ card will have to wait until coming Friday!
This it the first time in fifty years that Quebec Sovereignty was not an issue in Quebec’s election.
Beside snow we have two other topics high on the agenda. First is the closing of the new NAFTA deal now called USMCA-greement. It closed last Sunday after more than a year of haranguing and hectoring by Prez Trump in the background, the foreground and from the sidelines. Not much changed in the end, but for Canada making room for some more US dairy products.
Canada still has this antiquated protected market that New Zealand and Australia gave up about eight years ago. They did fine as did Canada’s wine industry in 1987, but our stubborn and conservative farmers have it too easy to let go. Time to shift the buoys boys, I say and break out into the world market and do your stuff.
The other news item for yesterday and today is the outcome of the Quebec election where Coalition Avenir du Quebec won a solid majority. It defeated the Liberals and wipied the floor with Parti Quebeqois. This it the first time in fifty years that Quebec Sovereignty was not an issue in Quebec’s election. CAQ has a different agenda that aims at being a strong and present partner in the Canadian nation under the leadership of Legault the founder of Air Transat. That is a fifty year old charter airline I flew many times between Calgary to Amsterdam! Good service and very practical.
The Mayo Clinic started there at the same time that P.P. Quimby lived, who became the founder of the New Thought movement and …
Last Tuesday I wrote and posted my daily entry that maybe should be renamed ‘weekly’ entry, but I do make entries for the days of the week. So … I’ll leave the way it is!
On Wednesday I visited with friends at Knox and watched a two hour KPS documentary on the history of the Mayo clinic in Rochester Minnesota USA, They started there at the same time that P.P. Quimby lived, who became the founder of the New Thought movement and the subsequent Christian Science. Even today the medical doctors at the Mayo Clinic take a salary rather than charging what the market will bear. I was impressed by the dedication of that organisation shown right from their very beginnings.
Thursday afternoon Elisabeth and I finally managed to visit Ken at the care home in the far south Evergreen district. Ken was glad to see us and showed us his many photos of the people around him. He knew some of their ages but not names and conversation remain difficult. He wanted us to give him a ride to the neighbourhood photo shop, but Elisabeth refused which upset him. Yet as we later drove by as he walked, he waived friendly to us! Strokes can do some very debilitating things to a person and in his case that is sad to see; Ken was my dentist for many years!
On Thursday - book day, I managed to fill two liquor boxes full of books ready togo for this week or when John can come by to take them away to the library. I have to have at least four boxes filled he said!
We ate, talked and drank coffee while addressing world problems, family affairs, old country recollections, politics, religion and social behaviour!
Friday was lunch time for Herman and me at the Blackfoot where we met at ca 11:40am. We ate, talked and drank coffee while addressing world problems, family affairs, old country recollections, politics, religion and social behaviour! Not many topics are sacred once we get started and time passes quickly; I was home at 3pm having left at 10:45am!
Friday evening I did some dusting as this is my self assigned task for that day. It was not very strenuous, but I wanted to establish the principle of sticking to the task intended for that day.
On the way home I stopped by at ShelfLifeBooks to pick up a copy of Francis Fukuyama’s new book 'Identity'.
Last Saturday I read the weekend Globe and Mail, watched the internet news places, relaxed and prepared for Sunday. That is the day for meeting with friends at the Palliser, but sad to say there were only four hearers in attendance, which is happening more often than is good.
On the way home I stopped by at ShelfLifeBooks to pick up a copy of Francis Fukuyama’s new book “Identity”. I am dealing with identity in my essays and talks this year and am interested to read what this world expert has to say about this topic.
Monday, yesterday, I sorted for two hours many items on my large bedroom bureau type table. It now looks better than is has for a long time, but I am still not at my goal of having it clear of papers, documents and unattended mail. My goal is to just have office utensil type items such as labels, folders, and other ‘office supply’ items sit on its top. I give myself two more rounds of sorting. Setting a goal like that focuses the efforts and motivates my actions.
And that is it for this “weekly day report“ ; how is that for a name?
<21:25 and 9:48pm after editing.