, Monday. Light overcast and bright at-10C.

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: One weeks activities:


~~Many visits including Chinook with Don, movie and dinner with Shirley, the New Library again and Knox with conversation and the Transit office.~~

Laundry day today, with first load due in 24 minutes. Last week I had breakfast with six or eight former colleagues, but some regulars not showing. That did not stop our conversation and by ten it was time to say good bye, since for some of us the spouses were waiting.

On Wednesday I joined the Knox midday communion service which had an average attendance of about eight people. I had two coffees since Murray and I had a long conversation afterwards about politics and some history. I am reading ’s ‘Political Order’ volume 1 & 2, which gives me lots of info!

Thursday aft Don and I met at Chinook, since Kingsland market it now permanently gone. Don and I looked at shoes and slippers, lots of choice but all around 100$ or more. From there I took the train to Shaughnessy to meet up with Shirley for the movie “The Wife”. It had a bit of a feminist leaning, but ‘the wife‘ actress was believable and well presented.

Shirley and I took the early show since we wanted to have dinner afterwards. This took place at the pub ‘99th Ave’, where we ate and made much conversation. Shirley can be very present and good company, which made the time go quickly. She dropped me off at Heritage where the #3 drove up as I walked to the stop. Home at about 9:30pm! How pleasant!
Laundry load time at 9:26am.

On Friday morn I went downtown as snow was forecast. At the Transit office I picked up the schedules for the three MAX bus routes, which shows times and stops for these new Rapid Transit busses. Quite a new enterprise for Calgary Transit and seem to be well designed to provide missing cross town services. I may just take them to explore them!

This looked far more complex than I had expected. Yet for this week Wednesday and Thursday I have times booked after which I will decide how to proceed with making a pod cast.

Then it was on to the New Library where I spent until about 1:30pm exploring the whole building this time. I also spent more that an hour finding out about the video recording facility that is available. Getting into the room took more than half an hour as access is remotely controlled. My blue-vest expert was very patient and helpful to get in the door.

Next came the people who had reserved the room and they showed me that it was all self help for operating the camera, the audio and the editing software. This looked far more complex than I had expected. Yet for this week Wednesday and Thursday I have times booked after which I will decide how to proceed with making a pod cast.

On Sunday I met with me friends at the Palliser, where the room heat was off. This is the second time!! I also sent an email to Elisabeth and to Jeltsje earlier in the week.
9:54am, time for coffee;
Now 10:37am after a load change and folding! Last washer load is due at 11:15am … after lunch!

Writings: Forgiveness and self acceptance:


~~A Sunday morning contemplation on forgiveness and self development.~~

Last Sunday early I made the following contemplation. I started with ‘self acceptance’ in that I must accept my own missteps, poor control of out of pocket spending, though I am saving. Also, the need to keep my place more neat and keep up the house keeping, though I do cook for myself and do the dishes daily. However, my website has been neglected and needs attention badly being behind in posting my talks for the current year.

Then, I say to myself: ‘In Christianity there is forgiveness’ and this I can apply to myself as I have chosen Christianity for my ‘expression’, as I affirm this commitment every morning.
Lunch time at 10:55am and now after laundry at 11:38am. At noon the last dryer load will cycle out. And now again continuing with my contemplative process.

The teaching and psychological attitude that you can forgive ourself enables you to go learning from your mistakes, while not being encumbered by them which could prevent you from trying again. Forgiveness enables me to accept myself even though my deeds are not perfect and accept that I will ‘err’ again, but yet can continue.

Self-improvement with Self-acceptance combine to enable Personal Development through Christianity’s teachings of forgiveness.

Then I combined this with the New Thought ideas and teachings that can aim for ‘self-improvement’ with the following result:
“Self-improvement with Self-acceptance combine to enable Personal Development through Christianity’s teachings of forgiveness.”
This ’affirmation’ and insight or revelation even, is the outcome of my last Sunday’s contemplation. <12:38pm~

Daily Entry: 2018-11-26

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