Today we start the ‘midmonth week’, it being the tenth day of December. I just took a look at my disk which is supposed to store backup data, but it is empty. So, why my Toshiba OS asks for a new media every once in a while, is a puzzle to me. Just checked my activities over the last few days and noted them on my Dutch calendar with its ‘Dokkum’ scene as noted earlier.
We could watch the whole orchestra from there and the percussion section right below!
Last Friday evening John and I had supper at Bar Bincho one block north. From there John drove us to the Grace church where we got good seat, front row balcony to wit! We could watch the whole orchestra from there and the percussion section right below!
The performance by the CPO choir and orchestra was excellent. John and I like to go there every year, though we missed last’s. After wards - around 8pm, we had coffee at the nearby Beano where John treated me to a ‘steamer’, a non-coffee coffee!Also last Friday I wrote six Christmas cards for Holland which had to be posted before five pm. It took me about two hours, because I wrote a bit about ‘things’. I found my Dutch addresses back among the christmas cards as I had written those last year in the aftermath of my sister Els’ her passing. Now rest me two more oversees cards and all the local ones, which I aim to do in the next few days.
Last Saturday afternoon 12-1:30pm I spent time at the ‘Prow’ library again meeting my digital challenges there. I now know how to get to the Sony Handy Cam equipment instruction at the library’s computers. First log in to its local site, then on the next screen access a browser and only then go to library home page and access ‘Services’ there and go to the room bookings service. Without going through the browser I was getting blank pages for instructions when using the services pull-down.
At IKEA I shopped for candles, but could not find the red tall ones. Michelle located those at the last minute using her cell phone data feature; thanks so much!
Then, later Myles from last week helped me investigate the Sony Handy Cam. We now have the microphone problem defined., but not yet solved. I also need to buy a more modern media chip to record my movie images and sound and also need to familiarize myself with the ‘WeVideo’ software.
While chatting with Myles and asking him whether he worked in the electronics field - noting his natural expertise - He said: ‘No, I am a surveyor’. This prompted me to mention my career at SAIT. And … that is where he graduated in 2014. So, we both celebrated our unexpected connection comparing some notes and events from the past.
At around 2:30pm Michelle and I met up for an Ikea visit. There I shopped for candles, but could not find the red tall ones. Michelle located those at the last minute using her cell phone data feature! So smart! Then we made a quick stop at Fabric Land where Michelle found the right colour thread to repair a sweater. A nice amicable, helpful trip and visit. Thanks so much, Michelle.
On Sunday I met with my friends at the Palliser, where our group was over half a dozen. Larry Olson showed, which was a fine surprise, walking with two sticks instead of one as he cheerfully noted!
It consisted of five points - Wonderful, Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father and Prince of peace.
Herman had an interesting presentation titled ‘Christmas Serenity’. He fist quickly listed ten points of concern and difficulty in our daily lives, to then move to his main message. It consisted of five points - Wonderful, Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father and Prince of peace. These points all refer to prophet Isayah’s famous passage announcing the coming of the Messiah in the Old Testament. To each of these five points Herman gave a New Thought interpretation aimed at dealing with the ten points of concern in our modern lives. It was a message I appreciated and may order the tape for my friend Don.
This reminds me that last Thursday Don joined Herman and I for lunch at Hotel Blackfoot, as we had invited him for his birthday. I tried out my new transit route as the old 73 route has been discontinued. The downtown train connection to Chinook to catch the #43 there worked out fine and better even than the former #3 and #73 connection.
Jack just called and we’ll have coffee at 1:30pm coming Wednesday.