Presentations Group2 Presentation: Religions of China

China's Spiritual Genius

Talk 06; Audio presention by A.D Vander Vliet for the Calagary Life Enrichment Centre on at the Palliser Hotel.
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Presentation Outline:

China's Spiritual Genius:
The first selection is for the whole presentation.
It is followed below by selectable subsections of the talk.

1. Missing opening explanation:

2. Meditation:
Three principles of China's three religions applied to two natural disasters.

4. The Neo-lithic period:
Contacting heaven through oracles.

5. The Bronze Age:
Chi and I Ching.

6. The Chang Dynasty:
The Yellow Emperor and the Mandate of Heaven.

7. Confucius:
Confucius' Analects, the Jade Emperor and the Great Wall.

8. Disunity:
Han dynasty, Taoism, Pureland Buddhism and a Christian influence?

9. New Influences:
Christianity and Islam enter China, Neo-Confucianism, Mogolian rule by Kublai Kahn and printed money.

10. Modern Times:
The Last Emperor, Boxer Rebellion, Falung Gong and liberalisation.

11. Ox Herding Story:
A story from China's Chan tradition, in which Zen is rooted:
