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Handout 1: Time Lines of China

A.D. Vander Vliet, 2008.

China's Time Lines:

N.B: The words in italics in the Text boxes are defined in handout pages called 'China's Religious Concepts', as high lighted headings. The talk audio follows this time line per numbered item.

  1. Neolithic (8000BC): Agriculture, Oral Tradition
  2. Taoism: Wu Chi, Oracles, Yin-Yang, Chi, Tai Chi;

  3. Hsia Dynasty (ca. 2200 - 1750): Bronze Age, Legendary Inventor Emperors, (marriage, flood control, navigation, wheel); State cult; Oracle using: bones, yarrow roots, coins.
  4. Taoism: Oracles, Chi, I Ching, Yin-Yang ;

  5. Shang Dynasty (ca. 1750 - 1027): Writing; Legendary Yellow Emperor; 1150BC: I Ching in book form; New concepts from 'Shang Ti' to T'ien {heaven} i)
  6. Taoism: I Ching, Yin-Yang ;

  7. Chou [Zhou] Dynasty (1027 - 221): Legendary Lao-tzu b.604; K'ung-tzu (Confucius) b.551; other sages, classical scriptures; (475 - 221): Hundred Schools of Philosophy, Warring States.
  8. Taoism: Lao-tzu, Tai Chi, Taoism, Tao Te Ching ; Confucianism: Confucianism, Confucius;

  9. Ch'in [Qin] Dynasty (221 - 207): Establishes first Emperor; Great Wall started, Terra Cotta Army.
  10.  …

  11. Han Dynasty (200BC - 221AD): Historians, various sects; 184AD: Yellow Turban Rebellion, Buddhism enters, Orthodox Confucianism, sects of Taoist religion emerge.
  12. Taoism:--; Confucianism: Jen, Ju, Gentlemen, Yi;

  13. Period of Disunity (221 - 589): Neo Taoists; Beginning of main Chinese Buddhist schools.
  14. Taoism: Tai Chi Ch'uan, Chi Gong; Confucianism: Kung fu; Buddhism: Ch'an, Pureland, Shao-Lin.

  15. T'ang Dynasty (618 - 906): Nestorian (from Syria) Christianity enters, First Feng Shui manual
  16. Taoism: Feng Shui; Confu'sm: -- ; Buddhism: Ch'an, Ox Herding.

  17. Sung Dynasty (960 - 1279): Islam enters, Neo-Confucianism.
  18. Taoism: --; Confucianism: Neo Confucianism; Buddhism: --;

  19. Yuan (Mongolian) Dynasty (1279 - 1368): Kublai Khan, Civil Service Exams, printed money.
  20.  …

  21. Ming (Han) Dynasty (1368 - 1644): Time of High Culture, European Christianity enters.
  22.  …

  23. Ch'ing [Qing] (Manchurian) Dynasty (1644 - 1911): Boxer Rebellion, The Last Emperor.
  24.  …

  25. China's Republic: [Taiwan (1911 - ...?)]
  26.  …

  27. People's Republic of China: Beijing (1949 - Present): Cultural Revolution, Liberalization, Falun Gong.
  28. Taoism: --; Confu'sm: --; Buddhism/Taoism: Falun Gong.

i) T'ien - ming = Mandate of Heaven; Shan Ti = Highest divine ruler, high god; Tzu = sage; I = seed