Presentations Group1 Presentation: Jesus-the-Man

Jesus the Man

Talk 11; Audio presention by A.D Vander Vliet for the Calgary Life Enrichment Centre on at the Palliser Hotel.
Please note that a full length written essay 'Jesus the Man' with illustrations and references can be found under 'Topicals' on .

Presentation Outline:

Jesus The Man.
The first selection is for the whole presentation.
It is followed below by selectable subsections of the talk.

1. Meditation :
Readings from a Dead Sea Scroll of Cave 4.

3. Preamble:
We enquire how Jesus, as man, may have acquired his teachings.

4. Palestine at year Zero:
Interplay of political forces, religious convictions and held values.

5. Upbringing:
A family setting in the tradition of an Essene community in 'Israel' at large.

6. Choices:
Essene ascetics and their teachings, the Pharisees and the Hellenists.

7. John The Baptist:
The Essene's teachings and organisation as a backdrop to The Baptist and Jesus 'The Way'.

8. Jesus The Fulcrum:
Jesus' teachings reaching beyond the rules of his time.

9. OurTime:
In what way can way move beyond our boundaries today?

10. Meeting Close:
A bit of community sharing.
