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Time Table for Palestine: 165BC to 165AD.
ItemGeneral HistoryDatesSacred HistoryRemarks
1Hasmoneans rule Palestine with varying success and much internal strife. Hasmonean civil war 67-63BC. Strabo, 64-21, historian and geographer.164 BCBook of Daniel composed, but set in the time of Babylonian exile. It advocates resistance and dietary purity.Septuagint Complete; Pharisees, Sadducees, Priests, God fearers, Essenes, Therapeutics, and Jews throughout R. Empire (Philo)
2Romans enter to restore order in P.63 BC On Pharisees' request. See note on 15 Radicals in: 47bc-to-70ad.
3Philo of Alexandria20BC- 50ADJewish interpreter of Plato; historianExternal source.
4Herod the Great ruler of P. Begins famous temple in Jerusalem.40-4BCCa. Birth of JesusThere never was the child murder in Bethlehem.
5Archelaus rules Judea; kills hundreds of opponents.4BC-6AD Deposed for misrule.
6Roman procurator (military ruler) over Judea6-37 ADPontius Pilate (27-36AD) Life of Jesus, teachings and death ca.26-29 ADHer. Antipas in Galilee, Perea (4BC- 39AD); John the Baptist ca. 25
7Various rulers in Judea and Galilee; unrest increases37 - 66 Romanising the temple and sacrifices meets resistance.Zealots, Sicarii challenge Roman rules; Radicals.
8   50 - 60Letters of Paul  
9Temple completed in 64.60 - 64Death of James, Peter and PaulProbably all in Jerusalem in unrest leading up to the revolt.
10Great fire of Rome; Nero Emp. 64 'Christians' accused of arson.Possibly
11First Jewish Revolt in Palestine, Masada falls in 74.66 - 7466-69: Galilee overrun, Gamla destroyed; Temple and Jerusalem burn in 70. Inhabitants flee.Jewish radicals fight in J. as the Romans approach! The Essene school Qumran also destroyed.
12   69 -75First Gospel written.Attributed later to 'Mark'.
13Judea placed under legionary control; named 'Palistina'.74 - 130   
14 80-90Second Gospel written.Attributed later to Matthew.Josephus' 'Jewish War'
15Rabbinic reconstruction 1 ; school near Yavneh (Tel Aviv)90 - 125Foundation of Judaism begins.Josephus (Jewish historian) writes: Antiquities
16 96Fourth Gospel; death of John.This gospel attributed to John. Maybe later.
17   90 - 100Third Gospel and ActsBoth attributed to Luke.
18Tacitus: Annals117Mentions Jesus.  
19Second Jewish Revolt132 - 135Bar Kochba as Messiah and revolt leader.Romans ban Jews from Jerusalem and the teaching of the Tanak.
20Justin Martyr100-165Church Father, author.135Time of last NT-letters.