Presentations Group5 Presentation: The Global Village

Our Global Village

Audio presention by A.D Vander Vliet for the Calagary Life Enrichment Centre on at the Palliser Hotel.
Please note that information about the author can be found on

Presentation Outline:

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1. Opening and Meditation Reading:
Reading from the handout titled "Ode to Our People", which consists of three stanzas.

2. Introduction :
The use of the read stanzas as a guide for the talk is explained. Next we look at change and fear, as well as threat and opportuniy in our globalising world and compare this situation today with those of the early Western explorers and the then newly discovered Nations.

3. Stanza One:
Our present day situation was 500 years in the making and we explore how the worlds of the discoverers and the discovered changed as a result of this "closing of the globe".

4. Stanza Two:
How to define common roots for this great a diversity in human heritage and come to a newly shared identity? Referring to the preceeding 'Deep Narrative' talks I and II, we explore the need for mutual values and respect.

5. Stanza Three :
We are all in this together now and need to find ways to resolve conflicts and reduce tension, while we learn to become self responsible as humankind for bringing this about.

5. Discussion and meeting close:
In our small group an impromptu and animated discussion started, which closes off with the singing of our regular love song.
