Existence Divine Assembly 1,2,3

Topicals inukshukNmoon

Core Concepts
Content Concepts
Narrative Fabric

Existence Divine Belief Framework
ADV, 2016 01 25, 26, 27 Calgary.

An Assembly.


The time to commiserate about how to do this is over, as the time to assemble the message as I know it has arrived. I will start here with assembling my related thoughts, insights, writings and experiences under the following categories: Core, peripheral and narrations.

This assembly of concepts, ideas and records covers many years and the narration will even go back to my birth, but such is my call and the time to answer it is now, "with no further ado!"

I plan this assembly as the first stage of my work and will draw on it in the next stage which will be the composition of a 'flowing' document, such as an essay. This stage will be one of several drafts as I focus in on what I conceive to be my message.

I also plan to have the various stages of this formulation process posted on my web site, but have not defined a way of doing this. I did not want it to be a part of my 'Daily Entry Writings', but do want to have a record of my progress posted, while using word-10 for a continuous composition. Time to start assembling!


From Daily Entry Writings: 2016-01-15.

  1. Modern reinterpretation
  2. Traditional Reinterpretation
  3. Boundary Conditions
  4. Boundary Tests
  5. Teaching disciplines
  6. Diversity
  7. The Human realm
  8. The Individual.
These can then be reduced into three as follows:
  1. Structure. (1 and 2)
  2. Transition. ( 3, 4, 5)
  3. Perspective. (6, 7, 8)


Content Concepts or "Renderings"
Handwritten notes of 2015-10-09.
Existence Divine Concept List:

  1. Structure:
    Re-Structure the past creating a perspective on the future for action in the present.
  2. Re-incarnation:
    Re-incarnation as a becoming conscious of one's own suppressed/ repressed memory.
    - Blocked to protect against unassimilated emotional content of past lives.
  3. Continuous consciousness:
  4. Continuous existence:
    Continuity of existence.
  5. The human experience:
    The human experience is a purpose in itself as a unique contribution to Existence divine and should be explored to the fullest.
  6. Interconnectedness:
    Interconnectedness of human consciousness and all that exists.
  7. Centers of consciousness:
    Discovering centers of conscious existence throughout all that exists.
  8. Human extra sensing:
    Human extra sensory capabilities.
  9. Human community:
    Human community to learn to live with our differences and alleviate the detrimental effects, such as poverty etc.
  10. Sin and improvement:
    Sin, error etc. is the need to become more conscious.
  11. Acquiring Ethics:
    ETHICS is a unique human invention.
  12. Connectedness with ExisDivn.:
    Our interconnectedness in Existence Divine thru the conscious experience of beauty, orders, structure as consciously explicit. This is how, where and when we experience being part of the whole.
  13. Consciousness origin:
    Consciousness arises from being separated from the 'whole'.
  14. Consciousness and conflict:
    Process and necessity form consciousness through conflict.
  15. Consciousness and ordering:
    Ordering makes us more conscious of more "things".
  16. Non human consciousness:
    Human's way of being conscious is not the only way. Our body/ biological way results in ethics.
  17. World concept formulation:
    We formulate our own concept world and project into it that of which we should become conscious next.
  18. Existence and process [Added at 10:30pm]:
    Existence is continuous, while within it the process of something existing is temporal, sun, tree, and particle. I.e. expressed from of existence is a process having start and finish.
  19. Physical experience:
    We - humans - I, are in the body for its experience that enriches my spirit, via the soul.
  20. Duality as pre-condition:
    The duality aspect of human thinking and ordering: good and evil; matter and energy; war and peace; light wave and particle; --- is a function of our brain/ consciousness? Thus we describe Existence Divine as sacred mundane entangled in our human experience world.
  21. Regulation of emotions:
    Instincts regulate the emotional powers in the animals. In the humans, consciousness displaced and displaces the instincts in regulating the bio-based emotions, but it is a learning process. Emotions power creativity, which inspires art and violence both. Regulation of which is a challenge.
  22. Open:
    This aspect or property signifies that though a framework is defined, it is never closed. Existence contains change and adaptation based on due diligence must be part of the properties to maintain viability of the framework. This property also implies that this list remains open to additions such as #23 below and may expand in the future. Some rules will need to be set to allow for the admitting of such new items, such as Eusebius set for the Bible canon back in ca 323AD.
  23. Concept Space:
    This is an example of a modern idea based on mathematics - Independent vector base - that I worked out over time and is applicable to belief frameworks, addressing their internal dependency and consistence. It can make clear why single components in such a framework resist being changed in isolation. It can also show what else needs to change, how and when.
This list can be condensed later, such as by combining 13, 14 and 15.



I intend to use the time line of my own development and process of acquiring these ideas and insights and the related experience to make a connecting thread. This will take me to the time of my birth, thought I don't intend to start with that. I also aim to explain my personal motivation in this endeavour, which will be close to the present, but not necessarily the last thing said!

Suffice it to say at this time that religion has always held my interest and my first narration for this is as follows. When I was about eight years old - WW-2 time - a family friend asked me what I wanted to be. After thinking a bit, considering possibilities I said: "I want to be an apostle." I was told that this was not possible. When I enquired as to why, I was told Jesus called the apostles, but I could become a disciple. "What is that?" not knowing this word. "It means pupil or student". That did not interest me and it closed the conversation.

When I said 'Apostle', I was thinking of the preaching minister I had seen recently in our church. But I did not want to be a minister but rather the less well defined 'Apostle' about whom that minister might have been preaching! Whatever it was, that early gumption of apostle looked over my shoulder at times, representing independence.

[2016-01-26] Today I added the description to each of the items in the bare list of yesterday. This whole list and its descriptions recorded above I first composed on 2015-10-09. That day Herman and I had had our bi-weekly lunch at the Blackfoot Inn and I'd stopped at Harper's Tire with a low tire. While they were assessing and fixing, I made the reported list on the margin of a printed article I'd given Herman to read. The article titled "Hitler was neither mad nor original", was published in Dutch on the Trouw website dated 2015-09-20. It describes a book interview with Jean-Louis Vullierme on his "The Mirror of the West".
This is my anecdote for the day! <10:08am.

[2016-01-27] I added items 'Open' and 'Concept Space' numbers 22 and 23 respectively and noted that this list of "Tenderings" - that which is tendered for consideration - is not a finished product, but can be and must be duly added to, as circumstances require.

Closing note:
I consider this 'Assembly' sufficiently complete to now turn my attention to the working out of the various concepts that I have gathered here. I have more concepts in other places, but the most relevant ones are assembled here and it is time to progress to the stage of presenting the argument for this belief framework of Existence Divine, a Mystery that includes all there is. This is what my graphic depicts as composed on 2015-01-25 and there posted. <9:24am~





  1. Ref One
  2. "Ref Two
