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This is the Catalogue of my formal and informal compositions. They differ in quality, some are documented while others are opinion pieces.

Topicals or Essays on several Topics

Jesus the Man

Sources consulted on this subject.

Jesus the Man
This essay explains how Jesus as a person, growing up in Palestine, could have become the prophet who we know, as handed down to us by the known traditions.


New Thought as a Modern Revelation.

Quimby, who is at the root of New Thought

New Thought as a Modern Revelation
Text description


Shakespeare's Wisdom.

The "Soest" portrait.

A collection of quotes from various plays as they relate to Herman Aaftink's talk for the Calgary Life Enrichment Centre, Calgary.
Image credits: Reproduced by permission of the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust. From:


Mani's Lost Message.

The Mani Cross.
The Mani Cross

Addendum to follow shortly; 2015-06-22


Existence Divine Framework Assembly

Inukshuk 2016

Concept Assembly in "Existence Divine Belief Framework" preparation 2016-01-27


My World View

Our planet's Gravitational field.

Starting 2018-01-12: Essay combining Narrative, World Belief and Teachings.
The earth's gravitational field image illustrating the amalgam of hidden social influences in global society.


End of Topicals' Catalogue per 2018-08-12.