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Catalogue Photo Albums Des13 final-html 2013-10-15

Preamble: Gallery 090909

The initial design and composition of the Gallery's albums date back to September 2009, the year in which I started with the website.
This gallery and its albums remained unchanged until this Fall (2013), when I finally resolved how to make use of the new HTML5 markup in this category of my website.
I'll be implementing this new design -Des13- over time, replacing old albums and adding recent ones.

CatalogueDes13 Photo Albums:

Redesign per 2013-10-09

© Tony Vander Vliet, photos since 1999-10, content and design since 2009-05.
Open source convention for individual use and users as people persons, not legal persons. Contact via this site's form.

End of the Photo catalogue as of 2013.