Active Links Section:

Posting date: 2018-06-19:

Audio presentations:
"Human Destiny" 2016-November.
"Humanity's Sacredness" 2017-March-19.
"Humanity's Deep Roots"; 2017-June-11. See below under "Topicals" for related essay titled 'Humanity's Deep Roots'.
My next talk is scheduled for 2018-08-12, titled: "World Belief Teachings". Place and Time: The Palliser Hotel, Calgary at 11:00am.

Posted 2018-01-15 and updated 2018-08-12:"My World View 2018" Ongoing in three parts: Narrative, Belief and Teachings.
Narrative: Improved per 2018-02-10.
World Belief Origin: World Belief Origin Essay of Talk.2018-03-20

World Belief Conciliation: World Belief Conciliation Essay of Talk.2018-06-10

World Belief Teachings: World Belief Teachings Essay of Talk.2018-08-12

Earlier postings:
"Humanity's Deep Roots" Essay 2017-June-11
"Existence Divine Belief Framework - Assembly" This is a work in progress.

Daily Entries:
Diary and writings of the last few days:
For the entries for the whole year, tickle the Hedge Hog Scribe {Scribe Category} in the navbar at the top of this home page.

Entry Date Diary Writings
2019-01-03 Year-end-gathering-and-new-year-initiative None
2018-12-17 Family-connect-lib-visit-Aveneda-and-volunteer-Sunday My-morning-Affirmation
2018-12-14 Visits-shopping-lunch-and-video None
2018-12-10 Busy-weekend None
2018-12-07 New-route-for-lunch-and-library-visit Truth-telling-styles
2018-12-06 Visits-groceries-and-first-video Combining-truth-value-story-and-insight
2018-12-03 Library-coffee-and-bookstore-visits Poetic-inspiration
2018-11-27 Morning-Insight Contemplation-retraced
2018-11-26 One-weeks-activities Forgiveness-and-self-acceptance
2018-11-20 Odds-and-ends Talk-central-thoughts
2018-11-13 Restart-and-Remembrance Postponed-writing-and-last-talk-marker
2018-10-29 Missing-entries-month None

End of active links.

Categories Explained.

Each of the seven (7) categories shown in the Navigation Bar at the top of this page, is explained below. To access any one of them, choose the desired icon in the navigation bar at the top of the page or use the 'Direct link' in the category below.

Daily Entries

 This is the Scribe, he will open the daily entries for you. 

The SCRIBE in the top Menu Bar will take you to the entries from 2017 through 2013. I started my Daily Entries on May 8, 2009, each having a Diary and Writings part, the latter dealing with ideas, concepts and inspirations even.
Go directly to Daily Entries of this year: 2017:

Catechism for the Third Millennium

 My Dutch Bible Catechism! 

This series of questions and answers of an existential nature are presented in seven (7) Sundays, all of which are posted. The work was composed during the Fall of 1992.
As a youth, I studied the 52 'Sundays' of this "Heidelberg Catechism"!
Go directly to the Catechism for the 3rd Millennium:


 The Baibar Gates of Cairo  

Topicals make up a collection of essays, poems, outlines and miscelaneous writings. The image of the 'Baibars' Gate of 9th century Cairo in the top navbar takes you to this essay collection. There are seven full essays listed and some other works.
Go directly to the Topicals list:

Gallery 090909

Cat Photo Albums
 A Chestnut, Rheden, NL. 

This 'BrainTree' image was taken in Rheden, The Netherlands in the Winter of 1999/00. That image button in the top navbar takes you to the Photo Collection of nine albums of various themes.
Go directly to the Photo Album Collection:

Presented Talks:

Audio Talks
 My favourite Smurf! I was instructor! 

A total of more than forty (40) audio files are arranged in themed groups, with relating talk guides. These groups are accessed using the "Smurf" iconed tab in the top navigation bar of this home page.
Once you are at the talk groups overview page you can select the desired theme group you want to listen to, for example Christianity.
Then select the desired group icon to access the actual talks under that theme of your choice.
Go directly to the Talks theme groups overview:


Book One LHW
 Cover of Book 1 

This category consists of five books containing images drawn left handed. I started this activity around October 1991 and still draw some images occasionally. Work on this category is on going.
I utilise AJAX to display the small icons and its enlargement. This enlargment is displayed by clicking on its small icon image.
Go directly to the Left_Hand_Work Art Books:

Making a Connection…

Camels connecting
Camels during the annual camel market and races in Pakistan?

2017-06-29: An updated and simple way is now avaible to make a connection and comments if you like and … would be much appreciated by this 'web apprentice'!

Thank you, Tony.
Go directly to making that Connection:

Foggy Bottoms ...! What am I doing next . . ?

2017: I'm giving my HomePage a critical assessment, along with some other categories this Summer.

© from 2009-05-08 Tony Vander Vliet, content and design. Open source convention for individual use and users as people persons, not legal persons. Contact via this site's form.