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Catalogue Audio Talks grouped by theme:

Group 1: Christianity:

God plots

Group 1: Christianity
A sequence of five (5) talks over a period from 2008-20009 addresses the formation of the Christian scriptural traditions.

Group 2: World religions

Iranian roots

Group 2: World Religions
These five (5) talks date over the period 2007-2011, addressing the concepts of four (4) major world religions, besides Christianity.

Group 3: Existence Divine

Urk's way to Heaven, NL

Group 3: Existence Divine
These four (4) talks dated over a period from 2006 to 2010 address the concepts of the sacred being present in all of existence.

Group 4: General principles

Tibetan Temple, France

Group 4: General principles of religions
This series of four (4) talks starts in 2004 and ends in 2011, addressing various aspects of religious phenomenea including the Gnostics and Fundamentalism.

Group 5: Deep Narratives

Time ran out

Group 5: Narratives
A sequence of four (4) talks during 2012 analise the concepts of identity formation and guiding principles in religion over time.

The END is Here!