, Wednesday. Light morning into a clear sky with mild temps, so it is one of those mild and sunny winter days starting up! The ones we love more than those in between weather days further south.

I hope you enjoy reading Daily Entry for this day.

Diary: Yearend party new years wishes and resolution:


~~Musing about the Mayan 13th epoch and 2013AD, good wishes to my readers and thanks for a party. Next comes an elaboration on my clean-up year resolution and its background and Photo Elements11.~~

Yesterday too, was a beautiful winter day and made for a welcoming start up for the New Year of 2013 AD and the year MC, where the MC stands for Mayan Count and the 12th day into that calendar’s new epoch. I find it kind of interesting that the new Mayan epoch has the number thirteen (13) like our common era count of 2013. We say common era, but that is only so for a small group of politically shy westerners. It is not commonly agreed to by any international convention like the ISO.

But, I should not let this stand between me and my readers with respect to whishing them all or the few, a ‘Happy New Year’ with the very best wishes to who ever may read these words, diaries and writings. So, here is to you, me and our humankind in the endeavour of that existence we are engaged in, that we may all work together to enhance that which we find on and comes our way.

On the twenty ninth (29th) of December I attended a party at Judith’s to which Elisabeth had invited me. This was a fine and worthy farewell to 2012 in good company. So, my thanks to Judith and Elisabeth both, for making me a part of these festivities.

On Sunday the thirtieth (30th) I skipped the meeting of the CLEC at the Palliser Hotel, because my leg was hurting and I wanted to stay quiet. This I also did for New Year’s eve and yesterday as well.

Yesterday I did go out to get Adobe’s Photo Elements 11 as London Drugs for the same price as I would pay for a down load in USD and I went for the local and Canadian outlet. I still had version seven (7), which I always found quite difficult to work with. The few minutes I spent with version eleven (11) promises to be a much smoother and intuitive expereince. Version eleven (11) is also good for Widows 8, as well as 7, which now replaces my old Vista OS.

With respect to “new year’s” resolutions, I made one already in December of 2012 and it is to clean up my place in all the aspects that this is needed. I have done piece meal efforts over the years with some results, but the bulk remains. All this still relates back to my 1999-2003 adventure of reconnecting with my roots.

I put it that way in response - totally impromptu - to a question asked by one of my colleagues from the Math Department, at the occasion of my farewell party on the Friday afternoon of the May long weekend 1999. “What are you going to do?” he asked, when I explained that I was leaving for Holland that same evening. ‘Reconnect with my roots’, was my answer to my own surprise and so it turned out to be and then some.

This cleaning up effort will involve some ‘stuff’ from that time still and some issue stuff as well refering to my financial administration and record keeping. That always holds and carries a high emotional charge for me, with which I have not come to terms. However, from my trying to analyse it, I am quite sure that it relates back to my youth and the way I and my parents dealt with some issues that surfaced in financial form, but had other causes.
At this points I want to switch to my ‘Writings’, but carry on with this theme and expand on it.

Writings: Integrating my life experiences reincarnation and more:


~~Integration has become a theme in my personal life and in my talks as these relate to our world community. I make the case that repressed experiences create a wall against recall, whether in this life time or between successive life times and suggest that integration will raze that barrier.~~

The cleaning up of things such as my old memorabilia from my ‘roots reconnect’ and the mentioned financial issues are to me a part of what I call ‘integration’. It is all about the integration of my life experience, dealing with issues that have lingered, but need cleaning up at the end of my life, now that I am entering the latter half of my seventies. The theme of this personal integration has a social parallel as well and it is that one which I will be addressing in my upcoming talk on the twenty seventh (27th) this month.

It is titled “My Belief so Far” and in relation to that is the idea of integration for our worldwide human civilisation, which is proving to be a difficult and poorly recognised and defined problem. We have a piece meal approach as we trip over the next crisis, while scrambling up from the previous one. The overall framework of the situation and processes at play are only vaguely perceived and are still dealt with in the old terms of one up-man-ship on the backs of the populations that are caught in the local clashes of a civilisation-al type.

About the idea of a global integration and the relating issues of traditions, values and identities I have written before. The idea of integrating the experiences of one’s personal life is quite different, as that has slowly come to fit in my personal belief frame work and relates to reincarnation.

Reincarnation to me is an aspect of the continuity of existence and consciousness. We live in this biological body for the experience it affords, which is the chance to make changes in one’s personality. This opportunity exists in our human biological realm and the physical existence, because it is time and place bound; no matter what we think of or wish for, I as a human being, am stuck in this body and physical world. This situation I can change through much work mind you, but it can be done and it will be permanent in that the affected change will hold even when I think or wish for something else to be the case. To affect such change is my task and function in this biological human and conscious existence.

In the non-biological bound state, changes we think about and wish for are immediate, but only momentarily until the next thought comes up and take over. That is the state of affairs in ‘eternity’, where there is no time or place boundness, but where we are capable of perfect insight and understanding.

I see our process of conscious existence as alternating between this time and place bound realm and the realm where conscious existence is not bound in time and place. That there is a ‘wall’ preventing recall is the same wall that we often experience in our common ‘earthly’ life. That is when things get too much for us to handle and we repress the unwanted experience with the associated memories and emotions. This to preserve the integrity of the ego, because it regulates our conscious awareness and is a capable actor in our daily lives. We must prevent a state of lasting confusion, if we are to stay in charge of our lives as a person.

However, repressed experiences and their association do not go away and often get dealt with when the opportunity it there. Allowing such repressed contents is a process of integration. It does not need to be total, but can be done a bit at a time, as much as you can handle.

This process of integration breaks down the wall erected by the act of repression against the unwanted memories and emotions being available for recall. So, in a similar manner does the process of integrating one’s life’s experiences remove the wall erected against the recall of previous life’s lived. This in order to prevent those earlier experiences from interfering of this life’s tasks and aims.

In conclusion we can say that by working on this integration on our present side of existence, we can prepare the way for this recall of an earlier life experience. However, more important and beneficial will be that we could then also know about our tasks and aims of the new life that we start at and so be more effective in the way we live our lives in this time and place bound reality experience.

And that is what the integration of one’s personal life is all about, as I understand that.
<9:52am and 10:51am after break and edits.~

Daily Entry: 2013-01-02

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