Yesterday too, was a beautiful winter day and made for a welcoming start up for the New Year of 2013 AD and the year MC, where the MC stands for Mayan Count and the 12th day into that calendar’s new epoch. I find it kind of interesting that the new Mayan epoch has the number thirteen (13) like our common era count of 2013. We say common era, but that is only so for a small group of politically shy westerners. It is not commonly agreed to by any international convention like the ISO.
But, I should not let this stand between me and my readers with respect to whishing them all or the few, a ‘Happy New Year’ with the very best wishes to who ever may read these words, diaries and writings. So, here is to you, me and our humankind in the endeavour of that existence we are engaged in, that we may all work together to enhance that which we find on and comes our way.
On the twenty ninth (29th) of December I attended a party at Judith’s to which Elisabeth had invited me. This was a fine and worthy farewell to 2012 in good company. So, my thanks to Judith and Elisabeth both, for making me a part of these festivities.
On Sunday the thirtieth (30th) I skipped the meeting of the CLEC at the Palliser Hotel, because my leg was hurting and I wanted to stay quiet. This I also did for New Year’s eve and yesterday as well.
Yesterday I did go out to get Adobe’s Photo Elements 11 as London Drugs for the same price as I would pay for a down load in USD and I went for the local and Canadian outlet. I still had version seven (7), which I always found quite difficult to work with. The few minutes I spent with version eleven (11) promises to be a much smoother and intuitive expereince. Version eleven (11) is also good for Widows 8, as well as 7, which now replaces my old Vista OS.
With respect to “new year’s” resolutions, I made one already in December of 2012 and it is to clean up my place in all the aspects that this is needed. I have done piece meal efforts over the years with some results, but the bulk remains. All this still relates back to my 1999-2003 adventure of reconnecting with my roots.
I put it that way in response - totally impromptu - to a question asked by one of my colleagues from the Math Department, at the occasion of my farewell party on the Friday afternoon of the May long weekend 1999. “What are you going to do?” he asked, when I explained that I was leaving for Holland that same evening. ‘Reconnect with my roots’, was my answer to my own surprise and so it turned out to be and then some.
This cleaning up effort will involve some ‘stuff’ from that time still and some issue stuff as well refering to my financial administration and record keeping. That always holds and carries a high emotional charge for me, with which I have not come to terms. However, from my trying to analyse it, I am quite sure that it relates back to my youth and the way I and my parents dealt with some issues that surfaced in financial form, but had other causes.
At this points I want to switch to my ‘Writings’, but carry on with this theme and expand on it.