Yesterday I completed the body text for the months May through August of my 2012 Review. Next will be the rest and then the spoken words to make it complete. I have had two acknowledgements so far, from the people I sent the link to. I said I would let them know when all is complete and invited them to follow my progress.
While looking for subject content for the mentioned months to report on, I visited my own website’s 2012 Daily Entry catalogue to find some. In doing so, I discovered two partially marked up entries - 07-03 and 08-28 - and also the ones I referred to yesterday on invariants in religion and concept space - 07-16, 17.
The first discovery means a bit of extra work as well as vigilance when completing the markup and filing the entry. The second one was fortuitous, because the writings of those days will be relevant to my curriculum plans. I also notes a reference to ‘teachings’ among the entries of July and August. I also found that I wrote very little for the months of April through June; having a break from writing I noted from my remarks at that time.