Today is RIM’s BlackBerry day! The new BB-10 - hardware and software -will be unveiled to the public and all the eyes are on this event, with expectations and apprehensions highly tuned as to what will appear.
I expect a solid showing that will arrest the freefall and be the foundation to build on, but it will still be a struggle to move up in the market. I see this as a comeback event, Heins - the president - is German Canadian and he will be thorough, more like Microsoft and less Apple like.
Yesterday I worked some more on upgrading my 2010 audio files. I am getting closer to defining a template for this upgrade to HTML5. One aspect I am still not clear on is how to update the html markup at a later date, by means of using a script that addresses the markup using the ‘Document Object Module’ - DOM - technique.
For example, how would I insert the anticipated element ‘main’ to be released later, into the already formed and placed document that lacks this ‘label’. To do this manually for one file is no problem, but I have now twenty seven (27) audio files, not to mention the hundreds of Daily Entry files.
The latter have php-includes and I can probably affect changes by means of a javaScript file that could be inserted into that common auto page header. Maybe I could at this stage just include a dummy include that puts the file name in place linking to a named, but non-operational file. I suppose I could experiment with this!
I stayed inside yesterday, but chatted with Michelle who dropped by to say hello. John called me on Monday and we chatted for some time, since I am not walking to downtown to meet up for coffee at the moment. Once I have some feedback from Steve, I may decide to use the bus instead of walking all the way.
I intend to stick my nose out of the door and make a short shopping trip. To morrow will be warmer, but probably more slippery. A short writing on violence is planned for my ‘Writings’ of today.