, Friday again and so I go from day to day to week to month to year since I started here on 2009-May-05 on my iBook which was a gift from my son Derrick at Heather’s SSI place at that time, fall 2008. Moments in time, which are also markers and gifts in our lives. The weather is like yesterday!

I hope you enjoy reading Daily Entry for this day.

Diary: Contemplative opening considering times passage:


~~I express some thoughts and feeling regarding the passage of time in my life as I go from day to day in these writings, followed by a conversation with Derrick and the last of mp3-to-ogg conversions.~~

An emotional and contemplative opening this morning; such is poetic license. There must be a place in our lives for commiseration, which means that we consider with sympathy, our life experiences that stretch behind us and become longer as we live. This way we can enrich the life we lead at this present time and when we recall events that embarrass us, then be kind enough to yourself to forgive not just others, but also your own self.

Forgiving yourself is evidence that you are mature enough to acknowledge your own faults and short comings, which ought to teach me empathy, humility and the ability to relate to others. My problem is that I so often forget to be so mature!

A few days ago, Wednesday maybe, I phoned Derrick and we had a good chat. I told him that I had taken up colouring my Doodle Mandala from 1973, which is the kind of thing he always appreciates. I thought it was 40 years, but Xmas 1973 is 39 years, so I can make the forty years my goal for this year to complete this project.

Derrick is doing ok with his switch to counselling and is preparing himself for the big push next year. Then, the prerequisites will be out of the way and the core courses will be on the menu. In the mean time, he keeps getting A’s, counselling or engineering, it does not seem to make much difference. Having such ability can make it difficult to stick to a chosen goal, as it is relatively easy to switch. But he is committed, this I can tell.

All my sound files are now converted to ogg codecs and uploaded, what rests is the upgrading of about six (6) html presentation pages that are still in the old html markup of 2010. This I may be able to complete today.

Writings: Adding to yesterdays exploration of human potentials:


~~The ability to make colour associations leads to the exploring a model for human radiating potential that might connect to the extra sensing abilities.~~

Yesterday I heard the tail end of a CBC radio interview on the ‘Home stretch’ programme after five pm, about the associating of and actual seeing of colours with unrelated objects or abstract ideas. It is called something like `synchro-sensing`, meaning to experience ‘synchronically’ two different things. My former lady friend Hiltje in Zwolle, NL (2000-03) associated certain colours with specific days of the week, so I knew about this phenomenon.

This morning I started to make some additional associations of my own, weaving a narrative so to speak, as follows. There are people who can see aura colours, as I have read and have been told by those that do. In those cases the experiencing of colours must then be triggered by the ESP ability. I regard such an ability as real, just as I regard musical, sculpting, painting and many other abilities as real. People have different abilities and ESP is one of them.

We know very little about such special abilities, because they are difficult to investigate. However, I am sure that today research is ongoing about such special abilities using the various modern techniques, such as functional MRI, fMRI for short.

I want to add some ideas here that would set up a model that could be tested. During my second year in Engineering Science at UoT, 1962/3, my physics - Prof Dr. Hume’s course - had ‘Modern Physics’ as text. It stated that it is a consequence of the ‘Quantum’ theory that every body radiates at a wave length of l/2, where the letter l stands for the length and or size dimension of the object. For a human being this would be about three feet or a metre for that wave length.

Bodies radiate because at the quantum dimensions there are no hard and sharp boundaries. Particles and wavelets continually ‘fly away’ across this boundary that we think is there of a cup say. The cup has a kind of a misty boundary region like the earth has an atmosphere.

On this ground we could think of some kind of radiation to take place that is related to the form of the body having this fuzzy boundary region. All objects do so, as the theory states. Next comes question as to how we might detect this type of radiation. Broadcast station have varying strength of signals, so does the human body generate a signal at a wave length of one metre that is strong enough to be detected? And what would cause its strength to vary?

My model here is that the human body may be acting like a dipole with the brain/head as one pole and the feet at the other. At both ends the blood flow reverses its direction and in addition, the blood also changes from oxygen rich to oxygen poor as it return to the heart pump, which has the rhythm of about eighteen times per minute. The blood also contains iron - the haemoglobin quality - associated with the oxygen carrying capability.

This blood flow might be capable of generating a weak signal associated with its pulsing rhythm, changing electrical potential - oxygen is positive - and the flow reversals at the body’s extremes, that is the head and feet. The result would be a basic standing wave, which may decay close to the body in most, but not all cases and circumstances. This is where the idea of natural talent or abilities may make a difference.

It sounds fanciful I’ll admit, but so did airplane flight at one time, as did the telegraph, that now old fashioned far-writer! I take the position that the phenomenae are their and have been for a long time. Today we have the techniques that make a serious investigation plausible and if it is not done, then that will probably because of stigma and prejudice. This is not something that should operate in science, but it is there all the same. In the mean time, I keep probing for more evidence.
10:20am and after a short coffee break:
Human consciousness is a work in progress, we are conscious of much, but we can become conscious of more. This is my premise underlying these explorations of mine.

Daily Entry: 2013-02-08

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