The October weather was the coldest so far this winter season, but that happened also in 1973 from what I recall. That was our first year here from Southern Ontario and we wondered then what the low would be in coming January. It never did beat the -23dC of that 1973 October.
I had coffee with John, but took the bus to travel, since my leg is not up to such a long walk from here to down town. I still had to walk about four blocks from and to the stops, which gives me some looked for exercise.
I brought my card and the heart shaped macaroons for him and family. They were off to the Coupe for a family dinner that eve. That was the extend of my Valentine this year. I thought maybe I would hear from some of my friends, but did not. I just wanted to see what would happen, because others like to be treated at Valentine’s as I have done in the past.
More work remains to be done on the handout files for some of the Audio-Presentation category files. Each set of these handouts varies with the audio file in question. And every one of them needs extensive revisions from that early - should I say crippled - 2010 html markup style. That was before I took my courses in web design and markup starting later that Fall of 2010. I thought I was doing pretty well at the time! Little did I know! And I did know little indeed.