Not too much to report. I mailed my birthday greetings for Helene and bought some cookies, but missed buying milk. Now I’ll have to go out with the snow covering possible icy spots. Since I am not that sure footed, I still use a cane while out, I try to avoid the snow covered areas. Wait until people have swept the walks is the advise I give myself.
I collected the photos I took of my mandala colouring progress since last Christmas and ran them through my scaling programme to produce display and thumbnail sizes. Then I emailed three to Derrick, who had expressed interest in my colouring process.
I also posted yesterday’s daily entry, but did not do much else besides the regular cooking, sleeping and news browsing. I should mention something funny. I was trying to scale the mentioned images, but old results kept coming up and the new input file with the mandala images was being ignored, so I went on to cook supper.
As I got that started with it and returned to my computer to close it down, it suddenly dawned on me that the scaling files (php type) had to be run in the local Apache serve on my desktop. This I had forgotten about!
So, after supper the images were reduced without a problem to web sizes of 400 and 80 pixels in height for the display and thumbnails respectively. The scaling down of the image files is actually slow enough for even ten images, that you have to wait for the computer to finish its task. I had to reset the timing limits in the config file, since the programme was exceeding its initial preset runtime limits.