, Friday. Clear and mild.

I hope you enjoy reading Daily Entry for this day.

Diary: Gallery visit poetography Okotoks and a coffee walk:


~~Shirley and I enjoy a delightful day and a beautiful drive as we visit the Leighton Gallery for culture and Okotoks for sustenance. I walk home from a coffee with John and try a redesign for my talks selection web page.~~

Last Wednesday Shirley and I visited the Leighton Gallery in Okotoks, about fifty (50) km south to view the mountains in their morning glory of snow lit sun and the exhibit of ‘poetography’ by Ron Zheng.

This photographer combines black and white photo based imagery with matched poetry called ‘tanka’. Like the sonnet, the tanka too uses a set metre, but it is syllable based. The syllables in each line match the pattern of 5-7-5-7-7, according to an old and established Japanese poetic metre. [poetography.org]

We were about ten minutes in a very quiet gallery room, when a class of elementary school children burst in, who with a second group, were on a Gallery visit. My concentration broken or I should say diverted, because kids that age are poetry in motion as the old song goes about a young girl, I moved to a quieter venue. There the second group soon came to join me. Outside we took some pictures and returned once the school classes had left.

After this visit we went to the ‘Tribal Connection’ in Okotoks’ old town center. It was about lunch time by then, but it is a place that invites you to look around in the shop section. So, it was around four (4) pm before I dropped Shirley off at her back entrance. There the brand new ‘Spark’, a little Chevy, was sparkling away! A great cultural outing all in all, and a reminder for me to get out more often. However, it is also a pleasure to have good company and this was so for the both of us!

Yesterday I had coffee with John at 9:30am! That was an early one. He explained some aspect of the modern phone to me, because I have the intent to get a cell phone or maybe something more interesting. John also give me a steer on simplifying the presentation page for my audio presentations. The files themselves have been updated, but the selection page is now too long with its twenty six (26) choices.

I worked on this last night, and may have come up with a staged design that is attractive and functional. Coming back from my coffee, I walked all the way back from Seventh ave, with a short rest stop at ‘ShelfLifeBooks’. The walking seemed to improve as I went, but maintained caution along the way.

Writings: Coffee thoughts about the moon and interconnectedness:


~~Thoughts and insights about the way I understand my connectedness with Existence Divine as I have my existence in this human realm.~~

I have a penciled note beside me that ‘says’: "Entangled, Intermingled, Interconnected." This note is there to remind me of these concepts and their sequence, as well as a prompter to write about this.

A second topic I want to write about comes from my pre-breakfast coffee thoughts of the morning. As I was so thinking, a see the moon, which is now waning, and I think that the moon and I are engaged in this existence at this very moment. Humans have an old and enduring relation with this moon of our earth. To day we no longer worship it in our Western society, but many moon related festivals remain on our calendar.

I then continued by combining these two topics. To day we know how the moon and the earth together follow their common rotational path around the sun, and we know the processes that gave rise to this situation. Then it occurred to me that such a modern understanding is an example and instance of ‘interconnectedness’ with ‘Existence Divine’, in which we are all participating participants.

We no longer worship a creator in the sense of Genesis’ double narratives or of other ancient myths that connected humans to the universe in their times. This connection for us today is in our knowing the way we are so interconnected, consciously and objectively. It is in this, that we humans contribute to our human realm and through it to Existence Divine.

We start off in ignorance, then emerge with our thinking and making conscious, into the state of entanglement. Here we notice affect and effect in a passive undergoing of the experience, like the dog howling at the full moon. Next we emerge into the state ‘intermingledness’, where we interact, but in a symbolic way like in worship.

We know the connection is their, such as for husbanding people who know so from the animals, but the connection is not understood as to the cause and effect. We utilise the harvest moon’s light to extend the harvest, but there is no corresponding ‘planter’s moon’, because planting must be guided by the sun, not the moon!

Interconnectedness emerges when we understand the cause and effect relationship, but at the same time realising that all that does not really have to be the way it is. The earth might have had two moons or none, or again there might have been no earth al all. And today we wonder whether there are other earth’s like ours.

In all this - in our state of conscious interconnectedness - we are making our contributions to existence in our conscious and human way of being, enhancing Existence Divine through our contributions and making interconnectedness more extensive, through which we can become aware of the experience of the greater whole, of which we are all a part.
So much for my coffee thought of this morning. <8:44am~

Daily Entry: 2013-03-01

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