Last weekend and yesterday I spent much time and attention on the idea of the ‘value-feeling’ aspect of the Genesis stories about creation and Abram.
Last night I had quite a vivid dream about an old gloomy large church edifice in a Dutch setting. It was dedicated to those older than 68 said one sign, another had 60 - 72 and a small hidden one mentioned 50! ‘We are trying to adapt to what you want’, it said on the announcement board! Still in the dream, there was minimal activity, just gloom and rainy type weather. I kept going passed the church, easing myself down from a landing with missing steps.
In the dream I am much confused about direction, get some directions - first left then third right - from my former lady friend, but loose my orientation and find my own way. I wake up with the feeling that ‘I should have brought her, the former friend, something‘. In the dream’s end I am in a store, making my way in a skating fashion, moving quite swiftly and appearing disoriented to others. But, I know I am engaged in two worlds and not lost or disoriented. I am just busy with two ways of being aware at the same time, in spite of what a sale’s man thinks, waving his hand in front of my eyes! Here the dream ends.
Here follow some associations with this dream. The old church edifice reminds me of the large old ‘Groote Markt’ church in Zwolle,NL, EU, which my friend Hiltje and I would visit for special services. It is also the church that is on my website as illustration for the link to my talk on Fundamentalism. It shows the Church from the inside with the caption: “Confessional Service”, which means Confirmation Service.
The signs in the dream no doubt indicate that all this is for later on in life, starting at fifty (50) and also maybe just a thing of the past all together. This I feel may be a pointer for me to let the old way all go, because I still feel a bit reluctant about my ‘value-feelings’ approach. It reinterprets the old stories in quite a different way, but without dismissing them.
Working on this alternate and dual meaning of these stories reminds me now of the ‘dual awareness state’ in which I appear to be in daily life - the store sale’s man - activities.
The notion of feeling in feeling-value, maybe represented by the presence of my former lady friend in the dream and the car she lets me use and have even, in the dream. In real life she had no car, but I did have my Fiat Typo then (1999-2003). Pay more attention to this feeling component of feeling-value the dream appears to show me and that I must go with it, instead of lingering with - old church - notions.
Go with the new ‘feeling-values’, but I am still confused about how to proceed with that and I loose my early orientation, while then deciding to follow my own sense of direction. This is what the dream out pictures for me, presenting me more or less with my present state of affairs, closing with the notion that I am aware of the two states I am in and am not lost or disoriented.
This is now a conclusion that I did not have when I started this recording of my dream. Thanks to this descriptive process, I know that I should proceed with this notion of the ‘feeling-value’ content of these old bible stories and apply that in my talks, where my audience is indeed of the ages that the church signs in my dream indicated, and this includes me too!
<10:13am; edited 11:31am, including lunch!