, Tuesday. Morning light, cold still, but a chinook in the offing.

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: Friendly coffee talk and daily routine:


~~Jack and I meet at the Perk and occupy table -one- and chairs -two- adding to the buzz for two hours plus, followed by a partial description of my daily routine.~~

Yesterday afternoon Jack and I had our monthly coffee, with much to relate this time as he’d been away to Ottawa for a week. In our discussions politics, religion, society, family, friends and personal events and interests all take their turns as each vies for attention and expression. It was over two hours, with the coffee cups on empty for some time that we parted!

Such a lively and varied interaction with much emotive expression along with the narration! Much valued by the both of us and I suggest that we both take a bow, but taking turns such as not to bump each other’s heads!

Later on in the day, after having cooked and had my supper, I cleaned up paper work for about an hour, followed by a long phone conversation with Shirley. Posting my daily entry was next, followed by the marking up of my essay on ‘New Thought as a revelation‘, taking it up to html5 standards. The presentation aspects are complete, but I have to give some attention to the micro-data mark up of the essay and the audio files as well. The essays internally would also benefit from some imagery or just photos, to brake up the text a bit.

At nine pm I interrupt my web work for the and the doing of the dishes during the commercials. By ten pm, the news signs off and the dishes are stacked and drying, as I go back to some more web work until about 11-pm plus. I close my day with a snack and some quiet time, while a candle lights up my space as a reminder of the light that is lit within as without.

Writings: World religions and my Edifice dream:


~~Self confined religions need to abandon their protective edifice and face the world, where as the public space needs to own its conflicts, which the two must resolve cooperatively.~~

I am still working with my ‘religious edifice’ as I have now called my earlier reported dream. This morning the interpretation of yesterday is holding and becoming more specific. The edifice does stand for all the world’s religions taken together, which includes the mentioned ‘circle activities’ inside its structure. All these activities are self-focussed with no interchange or any direction from a possible center or ‘pulpit’.

The other thing that became quite clear this morning, is the self and internal world focus by each and all of these individual circle groups, as representative of individual religions . This religious world is represented by the edifice’s insides and the keeping out of outside influences, with their shadow - short coming - projected onto the outside world. This results in the gloom and darkness of the edifice’s external appearance to the outside world.

This latter aspect shows up in our public space to day as the widely held conviction that religions are the source and cause of much strive and evil in the world. The benefits of religion are hidden and maybe even kept hidden within the confines of this religious edifice, lest they be contaminated by the wickedness and ignorance of the external world.

“ Lets learn to live with the treasures of diversity and set aside the fight about who is right.”

This attitude of mutual and interactive blaming accusations and projections is not what our world needs today. The religions have to turn outwards and embrace the being in the world in order to redeem it. Our human world does have many short comings and has many opportunities for improvement, presenting all kinds of challenges.

However, it is also true that humans have come a long way since the spread over the world initially, starting about sixty (60) kYa (kilo-Years-ago). So, to say that the world is wicked is a distortion of the record, possibly to give the religious message in a more positive contrast. This is putting someone else down in order to look better yourself, without doing any thing for it and is called prejudice and could be called worse. It is countered in type by the response is that religions are the cause of human conflict.

We need to ‘over-step’ these attitudes and reach beyond them. The ‘circle groups’ have to leave the self erected protective barriers, owning up to their own shadows and short comings. The public square has to acknowledge that religious traditions have made many contributions in the course of human development.

Both opinions have to modify each other and come to a gathering of positive contributions that can fuel the fire of cooperation and conflict resolution, coping with and addressing our differences in traditions and identity.
Lets learn to live with the treasures of diversity and set aside the fight about who is right. <8:39am~

Daily Entry: 2013-03-19

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