At the present time I am reading Preston’s “Sword of Spirit, Shield of Faith”, which won the Charles Taylor prize recently. The first three chapters relate how a new type of religion forms, grafted on the old imported ones from Europe. This lends support for the observations I make in my essay ‘New Thought as a Modern Revelation’, that New Thought was and is a religion formed in, by and for the New World meeting its unique challenges.
It is in particular the call for individualism and the responsibility to make one’s own life, that is central to both and which continues to inform the new world society, not only in the US, but throughout the new world in its various expressions and version.
In relation to Existence Divine, it serves as modern example of the continuity of revelation within human society, suited to the circumstances of the people at a particular place and time. This underscores the importance for us to recognise the situation of our times today, which is one of integration of the many diverse traditions and identities.
This process gives rise to many conflicts, much friction and is only partly acknowledged. In many instances this process of integration is still interpreted in terms of a post colonial one up man ship, failing to recognise that we must make common cause for common interests.
Time is upon us now to declare this our global situation and to begin with a formulation of our own revelation so to speak, one which is made in a conscious and aware fashion, such that we will apply our traditions of morals, ethics and lessons from the past. The unilateral actions of the past must be replaced by negotiated and consented common measures, actions and enforcements, when dealing with today’s conflicts on our planet, where we as humankind are the people involved!
Time, Place, People and Circumstance, these are the parameters that set the scene, as I explain in the mentioned essay. Can we recognise our own situation consciously, or do we continue unconsciously playing by our antiquated rules of self serving goals and old habits? We are responsible for the making and for the avoiding of this choice and as well as its consequences, which will it be?
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