I just checked my Epson 320 Photo Stylus printer, which had printed flawed pages last night without giving me a low ink warning. Now it printed the test patterns ok, so I’ll buy another cartridge of five colours plus black. This I can do on the way to lunch with Herman.
goat dinner with Rene yesterday did materialise, with my buying the rice. The goat chunks of meat on bone are boiled for about ninety (90) minutes, after which tomato sauce, paste are added, with some seasoning. All this Rene then served over the rice with broccoli as veggie. A tasty combination, but the meat had quite a bit of waste with its bones and cartilage pieces.As an after dinner Rene played the citer, the flute and sang along with a hand organ. All in English, not a single French song, even though his mother is French. Rene also showed me the Kijijy web market site. So, take a bow my friend for such a fine performance, a taste meal and being such a gracious host.