My last entry was almost ten (10) days ago, so it is about time to make one. And today I have a good reason, because I finally was able to post by Left_Hand_Work book1 on my web site with its new design. This involves the use of Ajax techniques that prevent the blinking effect when enlarging picture.
Getting this all to work with the newly designed layout of the book1 webpage as well, was what kept me away from making any daily entries for the last week or so. Some fine tuning remains, but the bulk of it is now complete and functions. Four more books are in waiting, but the design pattern is more or less firm the way it is.
I am also working on my up coming talk and for this I have used notes so far, but I now need to give it a more definite frame work and the fleshing out and firming up, will have to start.
This aft a visit to Sharen, now that the weather is snow free. Tomorrow a coffee visit with John, with on Friday lunch with Herman. Last Monday Jack was back in town and we had a much delayed coffee visit at the Perk.
My friend Jeltsje, who spends the winters in Southern Egypt, is getting ready to go back to ‘Kikkerland’. She mentioned that law and order are becoming more of an issue, with the police hanging back and the Islamic type rules becoming more prominent. The Arabic spring is like Calgary’s, slow in coming and not all that well defined in appearance.