There is nothing more creative than making up new words and is does not take any physical resources, which makes it very ecco!
On Saturday John, Annie and I visited Dave’s bookstore for the last day it was open. Today is carry out day and tomorrow is clean up. It is a sad parting for me, because it had become a stop and chat point for me over the years - nine maybe - of the ten years I have been in this district. The first year it had an household type hardware store, where I bought several goods as I was setting up my one person household back in the summer of 2003.
From the bookstore we went for a coffee at Wave’s at Ninth street and from there on to ‘ShelfLifeBooks’ where a book on Bonhoeffer was awaiting me. John treated Annie to a Lego book by DK, a well known documentary publisher; Annie loves her Lego!
In the aft some shopping and on Sunday my regular visit to hear Herman speak this time instead of I doing the presentation. I took Thomas up on his suggestion to have a coffee, which I had mentioned some time earlier. We went to “de Ville’s”, which is almost within sight of the Palliser. This venue turned out to be a good choice, no music, no loud chatter and no wired-up humans, instead people chatted some and one was even reading a book. We agreed on a repeat of this.
I read a bit in the week-end Globe and Mail, which had an interesting article on the collusion between big pharma and new DSM-5 manual [Psychiatry], which creates and labels the human conditions that the pharma makes pills for! The pets will be next I’m sure, where ever the profits lead, big pharma goes. This is not what Hippocrates had in mind in Antiquity.
I coloured in some more on my mandala project, with the last section of the middle circle now coming into reach of my colouring felt tips. I also connected with Derrick and maybe my visit is going to come off in June. We’ll see how the dates work out with Tom and Howard. I also did get the floors washed in the kitchen and bathroom, which always makes me feel more cared for, even though I do this myself! Good exercise I figure.
On the web front, the processing of the potential email messages is now becoming more clear to me. On Friday, I did manage to unearth the ‘search-work’ I did in the spring of 2010. That was a substantial effort to build up a search word list from my daily entry file names. These then are to be used to locate the daily entry on that topic, located by means of an internal search with a word from that search word dictionary. HTML5 now offers some native facility to do this. So far, so good. Coffee first and no writings today.