Last Saturday, Annie gave me a little demonstration on her new skate board going down the hallway, such a gracious performance. Annie’s board looked a bit like the first skate boards we bought John and Derrick, when such boards first appeared in the nineteen seventies (1970-).
Sunday I visited Sarah and BJ for an morning coffee and then went on to meet with my friends at the Palliser to hear Herman speak to the occasion of Buddha’s presumed birthday. Herman related the well known narrative of upbringing and elaborated a bit on the teachings of Buddhism. The eightfold path is basically an expansion of ‘good thoughts, words and deeds’ as was taught by Zoroaster earlier.
Something I always marvel about is the symbolism of the Buddha’s birth. His mother is called Maya, which means ‘enchantment’ and she dies almost in child birth. No one ever elaborates on this symbolism, which makes me a bit suspicious in that people do not want to know about its meaning, namely that the Buddha story is a personification of a human coming to insight. This happens under the ‘tree of Insight’ (bodhi-tree) no less, in a reference to ancient tree worship.
On Sunday afternoon I started on my Mandala colouring project before supper and stopped at around nine pm. I am now halfway finished with the last of the eight major inner rosettes, but about four of the eight still need to have quite a bit of peripheral detail coloured.
However, the whole is starting to look quite impressive and pleasing. It is funny how at times, I colour up next up to colouring I did now almost forty (40) years ago in our first house in Willow Park -Wascana road- Calgary.