, Wednesday. Sunny, warm and noisy. The fixers are working away in the back alley today and my windows are open. Summer weather has its for and against or as John Kruif, Dutch football coach used to say ‘alles hep z‘n voor en z’n teuge’.

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: Daily Entry anniversary healthcare visits and grocery shopping:


~~I recall starting my daily entries on the computer, report an my new found physio man, grocery shopping and the inflation of the price index.~~

It is today four years ago - on a Friday - that I made my first daily entry on a computer, which was the iBook that Derrick had given me as a present about a year earlier. So, here I am adding one more to the hundreds that are now organised under ‘yearlists’ one for each year from 2009 on. The 2010 list entries are still in the old format, but the others are now organised and accessible by means of a sortable table.

Yesterday I made my first visit to a new to me physio therapist downtown. This turned out to be a good connect and I’ll be going back there for a few more visits. All in all it took about two and a half hours, which made me late for my monthly grocery shopping.

Therefore I decided on a light cold supper and was off to the store. There I spent about 130$$ on circa thirty (30) items. Four dollars per item, which used to be about one and a half back in 1999, when I retired. Not much inflation the boys of finance claim, after they changed what went into the basket.

Direct living expenditures such as gas, rent, groceries and clothing have gone up much more than that much touted index. It includes item that go down, such as electronics, but that is not digestible. Too many union agreements and pensions are tied to the inflation index, so the government changed what they put in the contributing mix!

Today I’ll be making a visit to the dentist, so it is going to be an expensive week. However, with all the bought food items from yesterday, I want to be sure I can chew them properly to prevent obesity and indigestion. I read that if food is not chewed properly the body tends to store more of it in fats. A kind of rumination process, you might say.

I think I’m going to cut my entry here for now, since I want to check it over and have to do a few more things before I go.

Daily Entry: 2013-05-08

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