Last night I posted my entry for the fourteenth (14) this instance. A bit late, but there is was, the first one in my fifth year of doing my entries, or maybe it is the second.
Be that as it may, I have been musing about and around this event all week. This is best summarised by the question that I entertained: ‘Do I keep going like this?’. No immediate answer surfaced, but an awareness arose in me about rounding out my website and making is it more presentable to a visitor.
This notion is still with me and last night I printed off the presentation page for each category, which are seven in total, as per navigation bar. One thing is already clear from this little exercise, which is that these pages differ too much in design, layout and functionality. I may not be that skilled in graphics design, but I can certainly design for consistency.
A second notion surfaced as well in response to my self posed question. It is that I need to round out and complete the category’s contents. The Left_Hand work is far from complete, the Gallery dates back to 2009 and the ‘Topicals’ and most others need some kind of preamble that weaves a theme for my web site.
The Windows OS wants to do a shut down, so I’ll give it control. [As Master Tom to GroundControl by Hadfield]<9:35am.
>9:40am, here I am again, updated and all. These techniques still amaze me at times, as I recall the DOS-3.3 days of the 1980-ties, when I bought my first computer (286?) with very limited 650K? RAM and a drive of 30 megabyte capacity; more than you will ever need, I was told!
… ought to be enough for anybody!
But, even Gates was wrong about the RAM of 650k, with his: “ … ought to be enough for anybody!” But, Moore’s law still applies today, about the exponential increase with time of storage capacity. And yesterday I read that NASA and Google want early dibs in on the Nano computer!