May long weekend behind us, as Canadian, Vicky day for the English and Pentecost for the Christians and who knows what for those! A holiday is welcomed by all, even by those who work, because they get double pay. As it was, the weather was tolerable, with some sun and still at 21dC at the close.
I spent about half the day transcribing and arranging Herman’s Shakespearian quotes from his April 28th presentation. I had offered to do this, because I like those sayings myself too, and could not catch all of them during the presentation. All in all, it came to four pages of quotes and one for reference. I may put is on my web site under ‘Topicals’.
Lots of political turmoil in Ottawa this weekend. It is all about appearances, 90k$$ is peanuts for most of those people, but in politics this grabs the attention. I often wonder as to what it is that gets neglected, when all the attention is on this trivia. And then again, the whole thing could be the politics of intent.
Wright was slated to leave after two years anyway and now he looked to take the fall, while he actually laid down, allowing the government to move on … could it be to … Senate reform! It certainly would be opportune and Harper is strategist enough to manufacture this situation. Time will tell in this case.