, Wednesday. Overcast and showers, mild.

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: Travel sorting planned activities and trip impact:


~~I sort out my trip purchases, items and photos for my travel log, post my daily entries again and plan some social visits for the week. I express my surprise about my feelings of self value at the conclusion of this trip.~~

Yesterday was spent sorting out my travel outcomes, such as items purchased for various friends and selecting pictures for my travel log. This selection still contains a good one hundred (100) images, which I now have to scale down to web size for my travel log. I also made an Adobe Elements group for my West Coast trip.

The bills are now collected in one spot, but I still have to add up the total, which will be higher than my first estimate based on just recall. Going through the mail I had a tax refund of about sixty (60) dollars, which I apparently had overpaid. I find the tax people quite diligent in their work and always do my own calculations for my return.

I also posted two daily entries, one from the forth (4th) and one from the eighteens (18th), nicely bracketing the dates of my trip. Friday will be coffee with Jack, who’ll come over to view my photos and later lunch with Herman, while today I plan to visit Sharen.

The rest of the week I’ll spend on cleaning up trip items, starting my trip log, some house cleaning and somewhere I have to work in a much needed haircut. So, wish we ‘god speed’, what ever is the origin of that expression I wonder; ‘Google it’ is the answer you get these days.

I want to note that this trip has done me a lot of good in the emotional sense. I have a sense of things having opened up for me and my trip has also given me a feeling of increased self value and self worthiness.

The latter in the sense that I have done things for myself on this trip and not just for others. I am reminded that the imperative is ‘to love yourself as well as to love your neighbour‘. Loving one over the other does not work in the long run, as it causes resentment one way or the other. I have a tendency to undervalue my own needs for deliberate self valuing, which is some thing I have to make a conscious effort for, I’ve noted.

Daily Entry: 2013-06-19

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