Four weeks ago - June 05 - this morning, I left Bowness at 8:30am heading West and arrived in Victoria at Derrick’s place at 7pm the next day. Then, on the next Tuesday I headed North for Courtenay to stay with Howard and Rea. From there I left on Father’s Day - Sunday - to arrive in Calgary on Monday June 17.
On Thursday - June 20 - the river flood took hold, but my friend Shirley was so kind to offer me shelter until the next Tuesday, at which time my granddaughter Annie welcomed me at her parents’ home. I stayed there until Friday June 28th’s afternoon, at which time power and cable services had been restored to my dry apartment.
Over the weekend I resettled, joined by Michelle - my neighbour - for a glass of wine to celebrate our return home. Monday was Canada Day and yesterday I brought my car in to fix its rear - air suspension - shocks. I still have to get my bank card reactivated and need to drop of a check for insurance.
However, with the start of this diary section and a planned visit to Sharen, I appear to have returned to some regularity after this June month of planned and unplanned adventures. This the more so with the start of Stampede coming Friday, be it scaled back a bit on account of its having been flooded for several days by the Elbow river’s unprecedented high water. We may need a second dam upstream from the present one.