, Wednesday. Sunny and warmer; it was ca 17dC yesterday!

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: Recapitulation for Julys remainder:


~~Summary of my activities for the rest of July since the tenth this instance, with a reference to two new books I read, a planned web course and miscellaneous activities.~~

Here I am, one last chance to make an entry for this month. I guess I did take a break from making daily entries after all and may even continue with this for most of August. This the more so, since I intend to take one more web course in the Fall to acquire coding skills for the mobile type devices.

My intent is to have a mobile version of my website that acts as an handshake for my main site; a bit like an introductory pamphlet that has current content and is not that resource intensive as the full website file would be. We’ll see.

Coffee with John later, who is now back from a short holiday and has a functioning office again, after the June flood. Derrick is now half way through his summer course, which so unexpectedly opened up last June.

I have read two recent and interesting books. “The Unwinding” by and “On Saudi Arabia” by , both journalists. I am also working on my upcoming talk, which is now about ten (10) days away. And not to be neglected, I had dental work done and worked on my leg with physio exercises to good effect.

Plus, I did some cleaning up of my apartment, which I now have in sufficient shape to maintain some order. Next comes the sorting out of what I do want to keep.

I have come to the conclusion that I’ve kept a lot of unneeded stuff over the years due to my having moved so much from 1999 to 2004. For a number of years I have felt very unsettledsince my retirement in 1999 and the ensuing travel years, even after I had moved into my present place in October of 2004.

With regard to things being normal in the neighbourhood after the flood?
Many stores are still closed, apartments only functioning marginally and streets looking unattended. I think land lords are waiting for flood money from the Provincial government, before they will do much for their tenants.

Writings: Quick note on a new perspective for humanity:


~~In relation to my next talk, I attempt to formulate a post modern and forward looking perspective for humanity that is informed by established human traditions and utilises new knowledge.~~

A quick note regarding my upcoming talk. I have quite a bit of material for it in a structured form. However, what I am wrestling with at this time is the restructuring of the relating human perspective. Instead of the handed down traditional perspectives looking back into the past, I am seeking a reorienting of our human story that looks forward into the future, informed by the past, but not ruled by it.

This reoriented view is informed by the modern and even post modern realisation that the old perspectives need a new interpretation.

Namely, that we humans are at the gates of a journey that explores what it is to be human to its full range of possibilities. This we are now - the last few centuries - discovering about ourselves and our origins as a pecies in this realm of humanity within Existence Divine, which itself has many other possible realms of existence.

What are the possibilities within our realm of humanity that we can discover and contribute to the whole of all that exists? This can become our journey and it would be one that validates human existence - informed by our own past - giving it a meaning that is referenced beyond itself, which is essential.

Daily Entry: 2013-07-31

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