, Wednesday. Clear, sunny, warm and my birthday as well. I have seen less summery weather on this day in Calgary!

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: A birthday celebration and perspective:


~~Starting with Derrick’s birthday card, I relate my feelings about transcribing the yellow note book notes, then trace some early and rarely expressed sentiments and experiences. It all culminates in a perspective from this 77th perch.~~

Yesterday Derrick’s birthday card arrived, showing ‘Canada’s Gnarliest Tree’ on its face. The message inside said: ‘Hope you have a “Gnarly” Birthday! However, after that it gets better and ends wishing me ’lots of interesting connections’! We both value our warm reconnect last June and hold it dear. Thanks Derrick!

Last night I completed three daily entries and posted them to my website and transcribed one more yellow note page. Its content is quite amazing to me now, even though I wrote it myself back in April, May and later. Reading it again as I transcribe to the computer, I am struck by the thoughts, sentiments, feeling values and insights that I put into words at that time.

Some ideas were expressed very early on that only found a place much later on in my presentation. The ideas are all related, but remain unstructured throughout the fourteen pages. It is no surprise to me now, that I had such difficulty in bringing this material into focus for my talk ‘My Belief Shared’.

There are far too many ideas and a lack of structure, to bring it all together in one talk. All this makes this transcription activity a worthwhile and interesting endeavour, with a promise of an additional outcome.

This whole chain of events, the making of notes leading up to my talk, the talk it self, my feelings of celebration after it and now this transcription, fills me with a feeling of bringing to fulfilment a long cherished goal.

This goal being the formulation of a belief that includes the treasures and experiences of the early human traditions, combining that with our newly acquired modern knowledge and so enabling us to face our future and guide us in our thoughts and actions.

No lack of ambition here, but I started when I was about thirteen years of age, reading ’ histories of the Mayan, Aztec and Inca discovered in my teacher Jan Bos’ library. This was followed by ’ “The Journey of the Argonauts” and an anthology of philosophy from Socrates to Descartes. All at Junior high school age! Now I find that amazing, then it was just a natural interest to me, some thing one needed to know!

At a young age a person cannot recognise the start of such a long journey, you just go and do, the perspective comes from looking back! This is it for and at my seventy seventh (77th) birthday! From my place of perspective!

Daily Entry: 2013-08-14

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