Yesterday aft I visited Don for an afternoon refreshment and chat. He showed me his ‘workplace’ down stairs, where he works on memorabilia, just as I too have accumulated. It is not all that simple to deal with those effectively. I do have an approach, but is not always effective. Don and I will meet soon to look at a tape to disc converter for old audio files.
In the evening I did manage to transfer the audio tape record of my talk “My Belief Shared” to my computer hard disk. This time the sound quality is acceptable; it has a background noise that I don’t get when using the RCA solid state recorder with microphone. So far so good and today I’ll try to get the whole presentation with the hand out files posted on my site.
My physio man, Tim, is happy with my progress and keeps giving me new exercises to do. I told him that this is encroaching on the time for other activities, but he would not let off:). We’re almost there he said!
Thomas called, he is in town and want to have a ride with me when I go out. He had called me on ‘Skype’, that must have been the reason for the breaks, noise and clipped sound; inaudible is the word. Yesterday’s entry still has to be finished, which I’ll do after this one is done. Herman asked me for a description for my next talk titled ‘My Belief as Practice’.
The title is as far as I have come, with in addition that food, calendar events and teachings have to be included, along with personal daily practice I was thinking this morning. That is four headings already and at ten (10) minutes each would already make a talk, since there also has to be an introduction that relates this new content to the three earlier ones.
So, I think I have the basis for my write right here as I amble away! What I usually do next is to let this gel or coagulate a bit, such that some structure emerges in the ‘massa confusa’ as the old Alchemists used to put it. This is the work and outcome of the intuitive function! So, I’ll quit while I am ahead and ‘let things sort themselves out’.<8:92am~