I was not sure whether or not I’d do some entry for today and this is what I’m telling you. I could mention that Don and I had a good lunch at the Kingsland market. Don bought some produce, while I looked at the prices, which are the same at in the grocery store, but with more product variety here. I did buy two corn cobs at seventy cents each!
The food was so-so, I bit old I thought and not all that healthy - starchy that is - from what I saw people eat. Next time we’ll have to try the coffee and the cookies. The bread selection was very good, but five dollars for an eight hundred (800) gram rye loaf. I pay two (2) dollars for a four hundred (450) gram rye loaf that is baked in the store where I buy it.
However, the ambience and atmosphere in this particular market beats the grocery store hands down and that is what makes a visit there an enjoyable event. There is also some textile product available and moccasins even, which at eighty dollars compete with shoe prices!
All in all, the market was a good discovery for me and I’m glad Don introduced me to it, however Don’s tape that I was supposed to bring, stayed on my table at home!