, Monday. Overcast and -10dC, with weekend snow on the ground.

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: Cleared snow Kensington Art moves colourings and visits:

 Kensington Art Supply, soon to move the 'Ikea' neighbourhood. 

~~The first substantial snow fall gets cleared on the same day, I make several social visits and discover from Jennie at Kensington Art Supply that the store is moving and I complete the Spring section colouring of the mandala.~~

But …, wonder above wonders the snow at Tara Lee was cleared later on Saturday. This constitutes a significant improvement over last year’s tardy clearing efforts, if any, when much of it was left up to the Chinook’s natural efforts.

I did attach an elaborate note with my rent check last Friday, but I doubt that it had the mentioned outcome at such short notice. I rather suspect that there were complaints last year, but that a contractor could no longer be found for the moneys offered at the time. Anyway, so far so good.

Last Friday, after lunch with Herman, Don and I met at the King’s Land market for a coffee and some shopping. I bought a hog shank for a planned pea soup. On Saturday I visited John and Annie, shopped at DJ’s and in the aft said hello to Sharen, then stopped at Kensington Art Supply to get my Blue Spruce and snow colours.
There, Jennie helped me try out the colours again and let me know that the store is moving away from Kensington. The new location will be the ‘Ikea’ plantation as I call that old Meadows area along Deerfoot trail in around eleventh street and Heritage SE.

On Sunday my regular visit with friends at the Palliser, walking in the snow both ways, because I wanted to take some photos along the Elbow path that features in my Fall2013 album on my website. That was the early Fall, now we are talking the start of the second half!

In the evening I coloured in the first perimeter section of my mandala, which I have called Spring. I took a number of photos to show the process and pattern of the colours which represent the four seasons, the branches of the leaves, accented by sky blue and sunlight yellow.

This pattern will change for each section representing the remaining seasons. However the colour palette and methodology of its application will remain the same. It this sounds complex, it is! I tried is all out the weekend before, but with Jennie’s input last Saturday I now have a working arrangement to complete the mandala perimeter colouring.

Moreover, I left the colouring tools and the mandala out, planning to work on it some more in the coming evenings. I now have an urge to complete the colouring and get it framed before too long.

This afternoon Jack will join me in visiting the Chinese Culture event in Parkdale. As an interesting aside, Derrick told me by phone yesterday that he visited a Sikh temple last week as part of his course relating to ‘diversity’! This has been front and center in my talks this year and will be the 24th this instance. Derrick even visited the Sikh Golden Temple in the Kashmir region I think, back in 1996/7.

Writings: Combining last weeks writings:

 This short cleared railway track illustrates my short discussion.  

~~A short discussion on combining last weeks collected writings into an essay on my belief framework.~~

Writings will be different this week. I plan to concentrate on the collected writings of last week, adding last Friday’s, plus a pencilled note to be entered below. My objective is to make an essay type composition out of this collection, which for now I’ll title "My Belief Framework".

The length of this collection is approaching four thousand (4 000), words, which cannot be left in the disconnected pieces it is now. Once completed, I’ll post it under Topicals and I may even do this now while working on the essay.

Here follows the penciled note that I added last Friday to the printed out ‘writings’ of that day.
"Add: + : and before we get all carried away about how & what things are or not, remember that our most sophisticated concepts are just that, words that we use to label, express, discuss, all of our own inventions about our world - but words none the less & formed concepts in our conscious awareness, about something ‘out’ there? or ar[e] we integrated with it [not out there] as in Existence Divine"

This completes the pencilled notes verbatim with additions added in [] for clarification of the intention and completion of the spelling.

Daily Entry: 2013-11-04

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