, Tuesday. Sun shining while rising, cool at -8dC overnight and with highs around zero.

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: Song and dance colourful photos and essay work:

 I neglected to bring my camera; this Balinese dance doll is the closest image I have, with apologise.  

~~Jack and I enjoy a delightful performance in the Chinese cultural tradition and we continue our ’coffee event’ with talk and some photos at my place; later I work some more on my belief frame work essay and mandala.~~

Yesterday, Jack and I witnessed an impressive display of Chinese culture at Parkdale’s community centre, as hosted by the Nifty Fifties and I say ++ seniors group. Our well experienced and informed narrator Yu Han told stories and histories while showing slides of the of Forbidden City. This was enhanced by interludes of songs and dances - in costume - of different indigenous Chinese cultural traditions, presented by our Chinese Calgarians.

The closing piece was a Tai Chi performance complete with swords, the collapsible type! Since Jack and I were sitting in the front row, we hastily made room for this unexpected show of force, mainly because the performers needed swing room.

After this enriching experience, which can only be felt from a life performance, we connected with several people and I exchanged email addresses with the presentress Yu Han. She appeared to relate to my aim of exploring the world’s ethnic diversity by taking advantage of its presence right on our doorstep here in Calgary.

After this meeting, Jack came over to take some pictures of me while colouring in my mandala, because I feel that the completion of that colouring process is now coming to a close fairly rapidly.

As Jack admiringly commented on my work so far - as comes so natural to him - he soon noted that this mandala is symbolic of the inclusiveness of the idea of Existence Divine. And, this is how I myself also feel about this colouring process as I am coming to a close of it. Not all that strange, as the Mandala is a symbol for and of integration.

Later on in the evening I worked some more on my essay provisionally titled "My Belief Framework" and after the National news, I started on the colouring in of the summer - south/bottom - section of the mandala. I can see that there are going to be some unexpected nuances in the pattern that I showed and photographed last Sunday, when colouring in the Spring section.

The way I handle such unanticipated colour conflicts or complications, is by going around them. That is I leave the area in question for now and proceed with areas where the chosen colours and the mandala pattern come together.

Once those are done, a solution usually can be devised or tried out for the more complex combinations of shape and colour. And if, a conflict remains, I remind myself that such is life. This is what the mandala represents; conflict, tension and friction are all energy sources and opportunities to be harnessed and put to good use!

Writings: A three way intersection:


~~I discover being at the centre of three relating integration processes, one the colouring of my mandala, two composing the belief framework essay and three, my exploring some of Calgary‘s ethnic venues.~~

All day yesterday, I felt a certain sense of urgency that I have not felt for many years and which I tend to associate with my professional activities. But, I did have some sense like this when I left Calgary for my old country back in 1999 when I retired. That feeling of getting on with it subsided since then, but now it has returned.

As I am dealing with this feeling, mulling it over, I recall the stone mandala dream from the 1980-ties. In this dream - described earlier; this year? - the Aztec cum Mayan calendar stone is half unearthed and sticking up from its grave in a leaning position. I and other individuals are working away at unearthing this Calendar stone, but we are not coordinated as a group in this effort.

This morning, still dealing with this feeling of urgency, I combine Jack’s remarks from yesterday with my own notions and activities, noting that three processes are going on simultaneously for me this week. These are, the two cultural visits, the colouring of my mandala and the composing of the essay "My Belief Framework".

These three activities address aspects of the diversity of our world, coming together within my life during this week, as I prepare for my talk "My Belief as Practice" this coming 24th. It feels like I’m at the centre of a three way intersection with much traffic flowing to and fro!

This common theme is the addressing of the challenge that our diverse world presents us with, namely the learning to live together in a wholeness of diversity.

The mandala - round as it is - reminds me of that calendar stone dream in which I am working away with others. My initiative to start making contact with some local ethnic cultural groups fits with that dream theme. Similarly the colouring of my mandala - now coming to completion - and the combining of my various concepts from over the last fifteen years - in my essay, now start to look like differing activities relating to one common theme.

This common theme is the addressing of the challenge that our diverse world presents us with, namely the learning to live together in a wholeness of diversity.
<9:09am and later edited 6:40pm.~

Daily Entry: 2013-11-05

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