, Thursday. Colder minus 28dC overnight with sun now.

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: Walk in the cold and an unexpected purchase:

 The steaming Elbow!  

~~I first walk to the library, then on return I buy snowmen and take some pictures of the steaming Elbow.~~

Quite late to day, but I did wake up early at six and almost got up, but the bed sheets grabbed me and held on tight! However, I did mull over some notions on modern spirituality, which would have to include responsibility and this is what I worked on while cat napping until nine on the clock.

In Writings below: Our newly found freedom in spiritual choice makes us responsible for its outcomes and needs to be informed by traditions in a mutual integrating manner.

Yesterday I braved the cold in the afternoon and walked to the Memorial library to return ‘Little Mosque on the Prairie’ DVDs. I watch a few episodes, while finding the acting ok, the scenes appeared contrived and juvenile in nature. It all came close to a parody on value sets, rather than the addressing of issues. Too much emphasis on the show being entertaining rather then informing.

I did enjoy my walks taking pictures both ways and even stopped by the IODE store to buy snow men of the old kind complete with coals for eyes and a carrot for a nose! I bought them as intended game gifts, but I am starting to suspect that I misled myself in this. These two ‘gifts’ seem to be talking to me, reminding me of early boyhood! So, I may have to buy a couple of replacements.

Speaking cum writing of gifts, the Kricket has its sale on this evening. That may just give me the opportunity to find some alternatives. Two days ago Elisabeth invited me to join her for Christmas eve at her son’s place for dinner, which I gladly accepted. I usually attend the ‘midnight’ service at Knox United, but a get together before hand certainly enhances the celebration. Maybe we can go all three of us to the service together.

Writings: Spirituality talk formulation:

 A tree's shadow, as symbol of spirit.  

~~I make an attempt at combining responsibility of choice with traditional values in the description of my talk on spirituality for today.~~

My morning thoughts for my intended talk on ‘What spirituality for today’ came to a focus. I knew from the foregoing days that responsibility had to be there and as a matter of course also the handed down traditions. But, these are aspects or parameters if you like, which still have to be brought together in a perspective that inspires.

This now emerging perspective I want to try and formulate as follows. Responsibility comes with the choice and application of the chosen spirituality, which must also be informed by traditions - though not directed - while given traditions must become informed and adapt to the newly acquired insights. In summary, responsibility of choice and related integration of traditions must combine, so that new spirituality and traditions develop in an interactive and supporting process.

From these considerations I want to make an attempt at formulating the brochure write up for my talk. Here goes:

Title: What Spirituality for today?

Our newly found freedom in spiritual choice makes us responsible for its outcomes and needs to be informed by traditions in a mutual integrating manner.

This more or less sums up what I want to express, except that I want to make the wording less formal and more inspiring. After all, this is about spirituality; No?

Before this description I had a short coffee break - so intended - and listened to the news. It is minus 19dC and minus 32dC with the wind chill, while you stand still! Just don’t walk into the wind, or you may never make it!
<11:41am, time for the edit, and 0:17pm at filing.

Daily Entry: 2013-12-05

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