Last night I made it to the Selkirk with only fifteen minutes (15) over time. This was pretty good, considering the traffic, but Herman and Denise were already there, but they live close by. Dinner was well served and its taste delicious.
Our conversation lasted until ten pm, which was closing time and ranged from Egypt‘s mythology, via the brains of ants to the challenges of snow clearing, but not necessarily in that order. And to top it all off, I also received a small birthday present in the form of Merci chocolates, presenting sweet reminders of our dinner, albeit for a short time only. So, many thanks to my good friends.
Earlier yesterday I spent a few hours exploring a different format for my annual review using the html5 iframe attribute to bring in the enlarged image of a thumbnail. That did not work, for me at any rate and may have to resurrect my ajax routine that I developed last year September. It enables the viewer to bring the large image into the same page as the thumbnail, but my routine is a bit clunky still.