And five minutes later, because I decided to clip my nails before typing on! I noticed thought that my nails were softer and easier to clip and this I ascribe to having taken a warm shower with some soap. Soap and warm water soften the nails and I use this procedure also when doing my toe nails.
Sharen is patient in wearing the mantle of her old age diminishment, but "it is not my style" as she told me once.
Yesterday I said hello to Sharen at her Cedars Villa home as it is called. She has been there now for over two years already, where she will be celebrating her 101st birthday within a month. She is patient in wearing the mantle of her old age diminishment, but it is not her style as she told me once. Visits is what she appreciates most, “Everybody is forgetting me”, she will say at times, though she does know better and says so as well.
Last night a surprise phone call from Shirley, who finally took up on my Christmas card and earlier phone call, to respond. ‘I’m not doing well’, is what came out first, without even an hello. However, we chatted for quite a while, I listening mostly, encouraging her to speak and relate. Where the world was lifting her up a year ago, now it is all weighing her down again, a cycle that has repeated for about ten years. It makes me think of Sisyphus’ temporary lot in Homer’s Greek mythology and hopefully my friend also will be freed from her ordeal.
I sent a letter and payments off to my wily web provider and left a phone message as well. I have the notion that his other business is requiring all his interest, if not attention. So, it is time to make some changes, which I’ll do shortly.
The laundry got all done in due course at around noon yesterday and to day I’ll have lunch with John. Thomas phoned last night to ask if I’d stand-in for a missing player at one pm today, but that was too early to get down there all the way in the south end. The commemoration for Herman - 45 years of New Thought in Calgary - is scheduled for May 4 at seven pm and I may say a few words.