After lunch yesterday I kept working on ‘spirituality’ in our modern sense of avoiding saying ‘religion’ or worse ‘denomination‘, however to no avail. I was just stuck on the above observation, but could not get beyond it. I felt that I needed to formulate the spirituality for today, as I say in my title for the talk on spirituality and though I could formulate the need for that, the message would not gel. That is: ‘What is this spirituality to be?’
What is this spirituality to be?
I kept hovering about this in my attention, became tired of it and had a long sleep after supper, then watched the news and did the dishes during the commercials. Eventually I decided to do my art work, as I had all the sundry supplies already all stalled out for it, since supper time.
So, at around eleven pm I finally followed up on my initial intent and did my page of art work for this Sunday evening. Nothing much came out of this, except for the feeling that I had done, what needed to be done. Off to bed I went and in my day-end meditation cum affirmation I closed of with the thought that forces in our world come together towards peace ‘in the spirit of wholeness in diversity’. That was it!
Working towards world peace in the spirit of wholeness in diversity
I knew just then that this was that ‘spirit’ that I was looking and waiting for to be formulated. As I type this now, I note that the idea of ‘wholeness in diversity’ has been used by me in my closing affirmation of my Sunday talks for more then a year by now.
So, there was nothing new in the idea as an ideal to strive for; but, what was that I realised that it was not just one idea among many, but the inspiring force of the spirit to get there. It is the difference between working to wards the realisation of a an objective and the acting in the spirit of expressing it here and now. The former refers to a resolve of the will, the latter to the motivating force that inspires action.
And this discernment highlights an important point in that the will based resolve is a the result of conscious considerations, while the inspiration is routed in the conviction and commitment to a cause that I approve of internally in my heart of hearts, so to speak.
It is my conviction that in today’s world we need both, that is a spirituality that is informed by the traditions of humankind continuing on in the ‘spirit of our human heritage’, preserving and enhancing it.
<9:50am and good to go!~