, Thursday. Light overcast, bright and unseasonably mild. That is plus 5dC maybe for a high today.

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: Web spinnings visits and heat:


~~Web work for my new site continues, while I learn new techniques and I emailed most of my family and friends about the changes.~~

Yesterday was spent on getting my new web location started up. This entails first of all the homepage instructions as to what works and does not. Secondly the NewTalks category is slated to become functional to the point that a visitor can access last year’s talks and the first one for this year, which is scheduled for this coming Sunday.

The uploading of about thirty (30) audio files takes several days when all done at once, so I try to do this during the night. Last year’s series titled ‘My Belief’ has now been uploaded and the catalogue for that group is also functioning, but I still have to announce this on the home page!

Third is that the Daily Entry category now functions for this year and 2013, while the earlier years will have to wait and this also needs to be announced yet on the home page. This will come later today.

My work pattern that is emerging is as follows, I use the night time to do the massive audio file uploading, while in day time I upload the small navigation and display files that are mostly html markup or text content files such the essays in the category Topicals. The image files should also fairly quick to upload, since they are all down sized for web posting, such as my display and thumbnail size files of about one hundred (100) and ten (10) Kb each, respectively.

An additional benefit of this process is that I am now leaving out the old and sidelined files and folders that accumulated on the old site. Spring cleanup if you like after five (5) years of operations since my start in 2009! Some of those early files I have kept for sentimental reasons; a bit like bronze casting the baby shoes of your first child, which we never did!

Coffee with John later, followed by a haircut and I just recall that I called my brother in law Jan for his birthday yesterday. The building’s heat circulation pump ceased up last night, to which I alerted our building agent and an hour later the power to the whining pump was cut; resulting in no whines and no heat! Preventive is not a word in the word list of this building’s management. It operates on the principle that you only visit the dentist when you have a tooth ache. This may hurt a bit and so it should!

Writings: Melding two dreams and discerning their message:


~~The edifice and skeleton tower dreams are counter positioned to extract their possible meaning. In closing I hint at the ‘migration of the holy’ as reference frame to be explored for tomorrow.~~

I did not do any left hand work yesterday, but I did keep in mind the dream I reported on the day before and tried out how it might relate to my ‘edifice dream’ that I had last year some time. The two dreams have in common the mood of desertion and abandonment in their respective, almost apocalyptic scenes. A massive church in the case of the ‘edifice’ dream and the skeleton office towers in Tuesday’s.

In both dreams’ scenes, the message is that something is finished and is no longer functioning the way it used to for a long time. This implies that the religious values - the church - and the values of capitalism - the office towers - are no longer functional in our society. They have reached the end of their useful life; that is they are ‘past their expiry date’ to put it in today social terms.

As I bounced these two dream images and their association, back and forth as if I was playing ping pong with them, I asked: ‘How does this relate to my upcoming talk, with which I am so busy - see my Left_Hand work of the last three days, so dated.

I deploy an associative thinking technique, because that is how ideas come over the sill into conscious awareness and emerge. This occurs when the energy levels have become sufficiently high in this process of relating and interacting. Ideas that surface in this manner must be given space, time and air if they are to reveal their content and convey their meaning.

So, what would be the meaning in this case? It is the ‘migration of the holy’ as that can be called. This needs some explanation, but it is time for a break and web upload check up at 10:07am.
<7:31pm now, more tomorrow.

Daily Entry: 2014-01-16

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