I was late last night, or rather early today at 1:20am! I had worked for two hours on the web markup of the latest three daily entries until midnight, so I relaxed a bit after and there I was at passed one am! However, just in case you are worried, I had a snooze from seven to eight thirty pm, which prepared me for this late web working sojourn.
Yesterday’s entry proved challenging with the four links, even without the yet intended images of the cosmic web, something that just fascinates me! It is this possibility of entanglement in our cosmos that I find intriguing because of all the possibilities it holds in regard to the way we humans experience our own existence.
The existence model of bio-mechanical humans in cosmic empty space inherited from the late nineteenth century just does not appear adequate. It denies or excludes too many known phenomenon and experiences to be considered realistic or even functional. So, we appear to be off on a totally new adventure called the ‘standard cosmic model’ I noticed in yesterday’s quoted BBC article and link.
I did my grocery shopping for produce yesterday. The per item price for produce came out at about two dollars, while for the other items I calculated earlier an amount of four dollars per item. This make for an average of about three dollars for the two types combined, which was about one dollar when I retired back in around the year 2 000!
Capital let at six percent doubles in twelve years, so the price inflation of grocery items is far above the one reported by Stats Can or any other economic cum political soothsayer.