Yesterday I spent inside, working away at the entry for the day and the design of the Left_Hand artwork web pages. I dug up the old Book_1 html file, which dated back to 2010 and 2012. The 2010 design broke many html convention rules, but I did go back to this old solution. It predates my Fall of 2010 web course, but its design is much simpler than my current Ajax based version.
The result, after some trying out and comparing, is that I am reworking the old 2010 html and css files to html5 standards. That went o.k. and I am now applying the new html5 features, such as figure and figcap, among others.
The left hand art work is complicated as a document in that the drawn image has its own ‘in image’ text as part of the art work and in addition possible comments in text. An extra complication is that you need to see the enlarged image in order to make out the ‘in image’ text.
Then, when you enlarge the thumbnail image, the displayed large image obscures the explanatory text. This is the reason I went for the Ajax solution, which keeps both in view, however that solution requires much more programming and is not a smoothly operating solution at this time.
Hence, I have decided to tackle the task in stages, starting as I did with those old ‘sinful’, in html sense, 2010 files. My plan is to post the redesigned html and the Ajax design as two versions of book_1 on my site and ask for some comments from my sons and some friends.
This approach will also give me a chance to try out the group design for the total of the five books that I plan on posting by the end of the Sochi World Winter games, which I have set as my ‘Olympic’ project.
Lunch with John, followed by some travel plan explorations downtown and a stop by the book store on the way back - to warm up on my walk! I have not read much in The Quantum Story book, but I do some as a break from other activities.