The early bird catches the worm and the late worm avoids a bird filled destiny! It all depends what side you’re on; No? I’m not only early at my computer, but the first laundry load is standing at the ready, awaiting its turn.
If truth be told I’m a bit restless this morning. I misplaced my house keys last Saturday night late, coming back from the ‘vendors’. I do have a spare set, but the regular set has my mail box key. Secondly, I am going to have to get my building manager to take action on the hole in my bathroom ceiling. I have not heard a word, since I left her my note on the seventh (7th) this instance. The hole is a fire and health hazard and needs to be fixed without delay. So, how to proceed with tact and get results, that is the question.
Thirdly, I am getting antsy about my self initiated Olympic project, which consists of having my five left hand work books posted on my web site. Only the first one is now posted with the final design settled on, but as I posted it last night it dawned on me that besides all the images, there is also the text for each image to be readied.
This preparing of the in-image text is actually more work than the preparing of the circa one hundred (100) images, which is now complete. Unless I can do about one book of thirty images a day from now on, I’ll be hard put to finish by coming Sunday.
Since last Tuesday, I have been working hard on finalising the web design for my left hand work and applying that design to book1. I solicited comments from Derrick and he suggested three improvements, which I managed to implement.
His main point was to enlarge the display size image and increase its resolution, which has now been increased to about 0.4MB per display image. This is too large for every day photos, but since the images need to read they need to be of good quality. Using my Ajax technique, which now is very streamlined in half line of code, makes for short wait times to load the image on the user’s click. I also moved the display image to the top of the page, but still needs to shortened up by about ten pixels to clear the screen’s bottom. See for your self here:
Derrick’s third suggestion was to change the text style from cursive to some thing more formal. This is a matter of style sheet technique and is easier to change, even at a later stage, but I did make some changes, though I’m not settled on that quite yet. It can wait. Right now is time for the first load to hit the washing machine, so off I go at 8:04am.
Good to go at ten (10) to the hour with the second load.
Something else I am working on, is my April 6 presentation on Spirituality, which I need to formulate shortly. Then there is an anniversary event for Herman early in May and not to forget the preparation for my trip. Al in all however, these are all activities that are enhancements to my life and I remind myself to reduce my anxiety about them and replace it with gratefulness about my having a chance to do all these things.
Last Saturday night Michelle dropped by for a chat, bringing some wine and cheese, which I supplemented Vita crackers. We talk about many topics like captain Walrus in Carroll’s tale. For last Sunday evening, I had been invited for dinner at BJ and Sarah’s, which is always an entertaining event with little Alec and Louie the dog. And not to forget the fine company and many things to share, which make time pass all to quickly.
Last Saturday John and I visited the Calgary War museum, which has become a very impressive affair with many high quality displays. We went to see the war and battle art work exhibit titled ‘Forging A Nation’, which commemorates Canada’s war efforts from 1914 to the present. The occasion for this traveling exhibit is the centennial of the WW1 start this coming August.
The present Olympic games in Sochi form a welcome and much needed counter balance to the violent conflicts and strive that is war. Not that war has become a thing of the past, but we are learning to see that we must work together to avoid war as a way to deal with conflicts. These processes are very slow, taking decades and at time centuries, but they are there and we should foster and enhance them where and when ever we can.
Doing so, reduces human suffering, costs less money and prevents destruction of prized personal and cultural heritage. A no-brainer …
Doing so, reduces human suffering, costs less money and prevents destruction of prized personal and cultural heritage. A no-brainer you would say, if it were not for all the emotional investments we humans make in our identities, belief systems and misunderstood self interests.
Time to close and change the load. Now the last load is due in about thirty five minutes.