, Tuesday. Clear, sunny and cold. Yesterday was minus 20dC plus wind chill.

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: Body talk and its message:


~~I relate how I interpret pain in my leg, as I have learned to do, supplemented with a few social artefacts.~~

I’m a little later today on purpose. My body is telling me, via my sciatica that I have too many ‘musts’ on my agenda. This nerve action announces itself with some pain in my left leg and from years of experience I know that this is the result of tension in my lower back. There the lower ‘Lombard’ vertebrae are pulled from alignment by tensed up back muscles. How is that for a cause and effect scenario?

Once the leg starts talking to me - the unconscious of Western men is in the body some say - then I need to identify the cause. This involves for me to look at what I am doing and locate that what I don’t really want to do or have to do. Plus, what I should be doing and am avoiding.

In other words, time for reflection and this I did this morning. These daily entries are usually an outlet for me, so I’ll keep doing them for now. The main thing is to cultivate an attitude of what I want to do, rather than what I feel obliged to do. Find out what is it that I want to do, that what makes me feel in balance with myself; tune in to myself, in other words.

Yesterday I typed up a set of hand written notes, titled ’Record of Assembly’ for book5. Now I have to find a way to get this typed text to display the way a visitor can display an enlarged image. One thing that does not work is to display a fully coded webpage using Ajax, but I have pulled in paragraphs of text that way, so that may be the way to go.

Also yesterday, I phoned my sister Els to chat about the Olympics a bit, since Holland did so well in the medals. Today I plan to phone Okkie to bring him up to date of my plans and intentions. Later I’ll phone the Senior Tea group to let them know I’ll not be there. Tomorrow coffee with John, if I feel up to the trip, for which I could use the bus.

Writings: Interpreting my five books:


~~How to study my left hand work five books like a bible?~~

Things to do change with time as we age and here too adjustments need to be made by everybody. It is a continuous learning process I am discovering. That what was important when I started retirement is now no longer. At my age of seventy seven (77) I need to be more careful about to what cause I allot my energies. Central to me is to live my life consciously, with a dedication to the my discovered purpose, which I explained in a daily entry of last week.

After having completed the web posting of my ‘Five Books’ of Left_Hand_Work it is clear that I need to extract the flow of the process that these images, texts and stories hold. I say this, because again I became surprised by how new this material still is to me, as if I made it last week! There is still a lot of energy remaining in those pages, that I need to work with to assimilate and interpret.

Study the five books like the bible.

One notion that keeps surfacing is this: ‘Study the five books like the bible.’ I have studied the Bible as a youth and adolescent, so I know what that means. You read a text or a section, you interpret it for meaning and value and compare it with other sections like it to build and structure and overall frame work.

Applying this method to my five books, I conclude that I have to make some room for that kind of activity. The amazing reaction that I sense from this, is that I want to this more than most other activities and am looking forward to ‘unlocking’ the significance and meaning of these almost one hundred (100) panels of images and text. I am now at a stage in my life to give that interpretations its best shot.

Daily Entry: 2014-02-25

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