, Monday. Milder, but still about fifteen below normal, but wait until Friday, then …! We hope, but for now overcast with snow?

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: Cold weatherings and management changes:


~~Unseasonal cold limits my trips, while promised repairs remain undone. Soil boring activity hints at future changes.~~

This is my first March entry, three on three so to speak, while in early April I will have been a webby for five years. This morning the noise of a soil sampling rig drew my attention. It is operating in the parking lot behind the Banner Block dating from 1911, I believe. Such a machine indicates at least plans for a foundation design for a possible building.

I’ll have to check with Dan of the Kricket as to his lease situation. In this building Janet, the manager moved out after fifteen years she said. The new man Peter still has to show up. In the mean time, between time, the much anticipated ceiling repair man never showed or even called. Hence, I wrote a long note to the Tara Lee management and attached that to my rent check for March.

On Saturday I stayed home because of the weather - minus 40dC with the chill - and because of my back and leg functioning with discomfort. Tension does not help that situation, so I stay calm and comfortable. My heating and massage pad helps me to get going in the morning and towards the evening things having eased up.

I have pretty much decided to postpone my trip to late summer and early fall, but have to hear from my agent and need to check with my family, before finalising this. After several days of searching about my travel decision, as that relates to my back aches, something is starting to dawn on me.

It is that I have made this travel decision without fully realising that it will also be my last trip to get some things back over there. Now is the time to do that, but I have not prepared for that I now realise, so listen to your inner self - my feelings and intuition - I tell myself. This takes time and I’ll have to wait for the response of my body!

Yesterday I did go to the Palliser, but took the bus to the inside mall. The few blocks that I was outside - still minus 32dC temp only - was cold enough for me; fortunately Marius gave me a ride home when he came to pick up Garda. The rest of the day I spent reading in ‘Year Zero’ and read the news on my standard five web sites, with the Ukrainian dilemma being front and center right now. All that just one week after the closing of the Olympic games and with the Para-Olympics still going!

Writings: Ukrainian dilemma:


~~Disclosure of hidden intentions and realities would facilitate the efficiency of conscious conflict resolution.~~

In regard to the mentioned situation in the Ukraine, I can’t say I blame Russia for safeguarding its Sevastopol harbour and Crimean base. It would be jeopardy if the Ukraine would join the EU, holus bolus. We all know this, but it always seems to be necessary to play this out in a semi-conscious process, which inhibits the full disclosure of interests and intentions.

Russia aims to split the Ukraine along the ethnic language lines, which will give it control and access to Crimea in turn the Western part can then join the EU, if they are able to swing that.

But why not come out with these aims upfront and prevent the violence and destruction. Negotiations would be a lot more efficient, as conscious processes usually are. This reminds me of my own unconscious process regarding my trip and my back aches! So, shoemaker stick with your last. P.S: Last has a root meaning of footprint!

Daily Entry: 2014-03-03

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