Yesterday I was so late, as to be beyond recovery! It was past nine am, before I got up! So, I just relaxed and shifted my morning activities by an hour, but did not attempt to write an entry.
In the aft I washed the car, bought a Dutch Honey cake at Coop and dropped of the recyclables at the bins. In the evening I sorted my old Christmas decorations, separating them in throw-outs, keepers and donators! That old little brown suitcase filled with those decorations had been sitting in my storage untouched for years.
So, now I made a start with it, while I never could at Christmas time itself! I found a way around the double emotive holds of throwing decorations out at Christmas time! I out smarted myself so to speak.
My walk on Wednesday to Phil’s in memory of the many coffees that Sharen and I shared, worked out well. I found about twelve noticeable changes in buildings and uses along the way, since the time I walked there last in the fall of 2009.
At Phil’s the staff recalled Sharen and I left them the November portrait of her. On the way back I glanced at the ‘Wellington’ lobby, where we had so often said “See you next week!” That I said no more, however the furniture in the redone lobby looked nice!
From there I walked back along fifteen’s Avenue all the way to seventh street, but Saint Pete - the street vendor for years near the old Nellie’s was absent as well. Then, on along College Lane to nineteenth ave and back home. A satisfactory walk all around; things change whether you approve them or not, nobody asks and you just accept and adapt.
However, the passing of a friend like Sharen is harder to accept of course; but then again, I too will come to the end of my life and others will experience a loss. We should counter that by reminding ourselves that new life emerges as well and is cause for joy in most cases. I say: ‘All experience is valid experience’ in the human realm, be it that not all experience is well come and all must be subject to evaluation, often instigating change.
I should not forget to mention that I vacuumed my apartment two nights ago and that the fixed hole in the bathroom ceiling is waiting for one final coat of paint! All the result of applying polite but firm pressure on the land lord without using direct threats, but implying the consequences of health and fire hazards. This thanks to much appreciated advice from BJ!
P.S: Lunch with Herman today.