, Wednesday. Snowing right now, no more needs to be said. Except for my newly coined folk weather wisdom about March: ‘In like a lion, out like a tiger!’

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: New Thought notes physio and moderating son:


~~Transcription of high god image notes completed, physio started and Derrick as moderator anticipated.~~

Yesterday a went to see my Tim at his new - since the 10th this instance - location. He did some good work on my muscles; they still hurt, but the tension is going!

Last night I finished transcribing ‘New Thought high god image’ notes onto the computer making for six (6) pages. It is not a smooth composition, just notes from inspired thinking of last Saturday night, but these ideas have a long pre history of considerations on my part.

They center on the fact that the New Thought teachings are too ‘spiritual’ in the sense of being poorly connected to the earthly aspects of life, such as conflicts, suffering, grieving and feeling down. It is this chthonic aspect that is absent from New Thought, making it poorly connected to the experience of daily life and starved for the energy of its emotive processes.

I made a number of phone calls and also studied Derrick’s email on his moderator debut of tonight’s NFB film ’My Prairie Home’ post-view discussion. Apparently I’ll be able to watch this all tonight on my computer. Derrick sent me the link, so I’ll give it a shot. This week I heard a CBC radio interview of , who is the subject of this documentary film.

Writings: Anticipating a formulation:


~~My talk needs a ‘charge’, but formulating that needs time.~~

There is something brewing or gestating regarding my upcoming talk on ‘A Spirituality of Tolerance’. What is gestating is the message aspect as to how to formulate and shape this inspiration to be inspiring. How to make it worthy of dedication and sacredness; sacred means ‘being dedicated to something’! To formulate it as a cause worthy of pursuit in other words.

I may resort to pencil notes first, since the process of typing inhibits my creative process at times, still finding handwriting a more natural process.

Daily Entry: 2014-03-27

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